No se encuentra _mod


The CCA Cable reference 3Bumen X Metro is designed for those outlets that sell the cable sections or by the meter where the point of sale strikes out the cable and gives the customer the distance you need and ready to be connectedand used .

The material of manufacture of the UTP cable can be of 2 types: one hand we have 100% Copper cable ideal for runs of more than 150 meters away. On the other hand we have the CCA is an alloy of copper with aluminum.

Using CCA to make UTP an incredible way reduces costs of cable, but has the problem not work well with certified or greater than 150 meters sections. For this reason, the CCA is used mostly to sell sections of less than 150 meters.

Remember that if the stretch is over 150mts 3Bumen recommends using 100% copper.
  • Level 5e UTP Cable
  • Made with CCA (copper-coated aluminum)
  • Ideal to sell by the meter.
  • Supreme flexibility

Andri 18 of November of 2010 on the 11:21:39

Les falta decir que es de 1000mw de potencia, muy bueno que incluya los driver de MAC y Win7

tenry 02 of December of 2010 on the 13:57:12

Compre una, tengo Windows Xp profesional SP3, instale el driver que venia en el CD y funciona pero me da el mismo rango que una USB normal. ¿Como ajusto la potencia para que me de mas alcance? Al parecer hay que hacerlo con un programa que viene en el cd como CCX_IHV, pero al abrir el ejecutable me sale "no suitable adapters found for diagnostics", y no encontre ninguna opcion en la utilidad de Realtek que instala con el driver, ni en las propiedades del adaptador en administrador de dispositivos. Mire el manual y explica unicamente como instalar y desinstalar el driver.

Sergio 11 of December of 2010 on the 13:52:19

Hola. Yo tengo una de esas y con la tarjeta del portatil me coje 15 redes y cuando conecto esta tarjeta de red me detecta 30 redes y a las 15 anteriores me le sube 2 rallas. Verifique que la antena este bien puesta no sea que este floja y no este cojiendo bien.

richard 16 of December of 2010 on the 17:38:11

Hola, quiero comprar la wlan usb adapter cazadora wi-fi solo quiero saber que chip realtek tiene esta antena, acaso el ¿8187L? gracias por la ayuda

richard 16 of December of 2010 on the 17:38:13

Hola, quiero comprar la wlan usb adapter cazadora wi-fi solo quiero saber que chip realtek tiene esta antena, acaso el ¿8187L? gracias por la ayuda

3bumen Team 18 of December of 2010 on the 10:13:52

Realteck 8188, el 8187L solo soporta velocidades de 54 Mbps, esta es de 150 Mbps en Bajada y hasta 300 Mbps en Subida.

Ruben 09 of February of 2011 on the 17:12:27

Cordial saludo, Me gustaria saber si esta targeta de red se puede poner en modo monitor, y si ademas es compatible con programas como wifiway, wifislax, bactrack... si es posible realizar auditorias de seguridad wi fi con ella.... gracias.....

Math 14 of February of 2011 on the 21:26:57

¿Funcionará con usb 1.1? -- Gracias

Math 14 of February of 2011 on the 21:27:03

¿Funcionará con usb 1.1? -- Gracias

3bumen Team 14 of February of 2011 on the 22:27:15

Si funciona con usb 1.1, sin problema.

alberto 16 of February of 2011 on the 14:49:09

podrian incluir el driver para linux mint, ubuntu o debian y las instrucciones para instalarlo? Gracias

Luis 16 of February of 2011 on the 20:22:26

A mi me la reconocio UBUNTU de una..

cucuta 07 of March of 2011 on the 17:41:02

añcanzara para 30 mts de distancia

aldemar 15 of March of 2011 on the 15:19:17

compre una hace una semana, estoy a 60 metros de un router y 30 de otro y no me da señal de ninguno, tengo la misma cobertura del wifi del portatil, me dieron otra y me da lo mismo........................................

Bogotano 21 of March of 2011 on the 21:57:31

Es posible que por favor parchen el driver para que en linux permita hacer auditoría de redes? Muchas gracias!!!

3bumen Team 21 of March of 2011 on the 23:23:17

Working On it.

3bumen Team 22 of March of 2011 on the 09:34:53

Nosotros no podemos parchar el driver. El driver es de Realtek y Realtek es quien debe parcharlo. Debido a que el chipset usado es muy nuevo aun no hay soporte para el uso de modo promiscuo o modo monitor Quiza mas adelante habiliten estos modos.

joseph 25 of March of 2011 on the 13:40:20

el computador se me bloquea cada vez que conecto la cazadora wi fi e intento conectarme a internet. debo manejar el sotfware del dispositivo o directamente con windows..o ambos ? me creara algun conflicto ?

joseph 25 of March of 2011 on the 14:24:36

otra cosita cada rato se me cae la señal...cabe decir que poseo un portatil el cual no se le cae la señal y el modem esta a 20 metros de distancia.podrias ayudarme en esto otra cosa e el programa no me aparece la opcion de me......

velan 25 of March of 2011 on the 16:06:50

lo ideal es que la tarjeta trabaje solo con el programa propio que viene en el cd, para la utilización recomiendo des-habilitar los adaptadores inalambricos instalados en el equipo estos al igual que cuando se auto-instala la tarjeta por medio de los driver de windows causa problemas, es posible que si se tienen problemas de instalación afecta su funcionamiento.

monica 30 of March of 2011 on the 14:30:15

tengo una cazadora wifi y cada rato se me cae la señal,se conecta y al rato se me desconecta ,me pueden decir paso a paso desde el principio como configurar la tarjeta inalambrica.tengo windows xp, o acaso es problema de la tarjeta?espero su pronta respuesta ya que esto me produce impaciencia.hay conflicto de driver o de lo agradezco

fasi 30 of March of 2011 on the 17:04:22

hola monica ya probaste el comentario que dejo velan yo lo hice y me dejo de molestar

monica 30 of March of 2011 on the 21:15:52

hola fasi lo que pasa es que mi pc es de mesa no portatil asi que no tengo adaptadores inalambricos para desahabilitar,yo lo instalo todo y aparece tanto la utilidad de la tarjeta y la de windows.

fabian 31 of March of 2011 on the 15:34:03

podrian dar mas instrucciones para su instalacion en ubuntu porfavor. y luis que version esta corriendo

jhon diaz 31 of March of 2011 on the 17:52:04

e tenido problemas para utilizarla en win 7 se instala todo bien para no se conecta al router la contraseña esta bien la utilizo en winxp y funciona pero en win 7 nada

bofh 31 of March of 2011 on the 17:58:15

Hola. Para las instalaciones en cualquier GNU/Linux si no es detectada "automagicamente" deben descargar las headers del kernel. Si usando ubuntu o debian hay un paquete pare ello y hay formas probias de debian para compilar el kernel. Genericamente puede descargar los headers desde, luego descargar el codigo del driver para linux desde la pagina de Realtek (para tener la ultima version), despues de que tengan instaladas los headers del kernel proceden a configurar el driver. Existe una utilidad algo asi como Module Assistant que tiene las opciones de preparacion, compilacion e instalacion para instalacion rapida. Despues si tengo mas tiempo dejo los comando exactos ya que no estoy en un linux en este momento. Si no entendieron busquen en compilar modulo al kernel

jhonathan 31 of March of 2011 on the 21:31:38

hola tengo una pregunta, quiero comprar la tarjeta de red la cazadora pero tengo windows xp me sirve?? a cuantos metros coje la targeta de red?

velan 01 of April of 2011 on the 08:39:43

jhonathan. la tarjeta si sirve para xp, las coberturas en dispositivos inalambricos varia de acuerdo a las caracticas propias del sitio donde este la conexion. puede estar +/- 100 mts de diametro

velan 01 of April of 2011 on the 08:43:21

jhon verifica los tipos de encriptacion que estas usando en los SO

fasi 01 of April of 2011 on the 08:50:23

hola monica prueba utilizando solo el aplicativo q trae la tarjeta escanea las redes y accede a la tuya es asi creas el perfil y luego siempre vas a estar conectada a ella

monica 01 of April of 2011 on the 13:42:35

haber fui donde compre la tarjeta y les comente el problema asunto que me la cambiaron era problema de la tarjeta que se conectaba y se desconectaba a cada rato asi que pedi mi garantia y me dieron otra,ahora que la coloque veo que funciona la conexion bn .....pero resulta que ahora me sale velocidad de 24mbps donde siempre he estado con 54mbps.y la intensidad de señal a variado mucho con respecto a la otra aque se debe esto....o acaso es que todavia esta mi tarjetica en mala condiciones ?

roberto 01 of April of 2011 on the 14:45:32

nadie la a probado en windows server 2008

Leydi G 22 of May of 2011 on the 12:49:08

Hola compre una de estas y el primer dia me funciono bien, aunque se caía mucho la señal, pero luego no me quizo volver a funcionar, ya desinstale e instale nueva mente los controladores, y nada. Probe en 3 equipos diferentes y en ninguno me quiso funcionar. Es para win XP sp3. tambien descarge los controladores de esta pagina, pero no me funciona. En administrador de dispositivos me aparece que no estan isntalados los controladores para el dispositivo. y si le doy buscar en la carpeta donde descarge los controladores de esta pagina igual me dice que no hay software o controlador para el dispositivo. Que puede ser lo que esta pasando? Será la Tarjeta? Agradezco mucho su ayuda

astuto01 30 of May of 2011 on the 18:05:54

Leydi G ya q probaste y la desistalaste y volviste a instalar debes tener en cuenta que no sea inatalada por windows y si sigue molestando por garantia

juanga 07 of June of 2011 on the 15:19:32

hoy en la mañana me ha llegado una de estas .. la verdad ha sido un poco complicado configurarla, pero ahora creo que me temo que voya tener que deciros la verdad... esta antena es todo un fraude, no tiene nada de alcance, ademas hay mucha incompatibilidad con windows 7 por lo menos, se vive desconcetando y eso en caso de que logre conectar, yo creo que el problema debe ser por ese cable usb tan largo que tiene. Que me pueden dar para no perder la platica??? un software o un driver mas estable?????

vamos 08 of June of 2011 on the 17:24:48

hoy dia eh probao con el driver de realtek del chip 8192SU y me ah estabilizao la señal prueben a ver como os va

GreenShark 10 of June of 2011 on the 19:12:18

Me pasa igual que a Juanga, compré 3 cazadoras para organizar una red y ponen problema con w7, al principio conectaban de vez en cuando y ahora ya no cenectan. Cual es la solución a esto?.... realmente no sirven estas tarjeta?.... sería bueno que los fabricantes se manifiesten al respecto.

Carlos h 12 of June of 2011 on the 12:17:50

Compre una cazadora, me funciono súper en Win xp Sp3, pero la he tratado de instalar en windows 7 x86, probe en dos pcs diferentes y nada que me funciona.....Ya hice de todo pero nada, me instala bien los drivers y en administrador de dispositivos aparece bien instalado el adaptador de red, pero no me funciona.... Por favor necesito de su ayuda, cualquier dato me sera de valiosa importacia.

Leydi G 21 of June of 2011 on the 15:02:54

Hola, envíe mi tarjeta por garantía y me fue cambiada por otra, la nueva tarjeta si se dejo instalar; realice la instalación como dice el manual y hay días que funciona bien. Ahora el problema parece ser otro. El programa de la tarjeta funciona bien, pero en panel de control redes aveces se desactiva la conexión y deja de funcionar la tarjeta. y luego de un tiempo aveces vuelve a encontrarla el solo y para entrar nuevamente me pide siempre la contaseña, dura un tiempos y vuelve a desaparecer y asi consecutivamente. Que puede ser? Tengo Win Xp sp3 Gracias por su ayuda

OscarG 22 of June of 2011 on the 09:32:37

hola, compre una cazadora, la instale en un winsows 7 x86, funcionó bien un par de días, ahora se conecta y desconecta acada rato, toca desconectarla y volver a conectarla... a mi modo de ver y experiencia creo q es por el cable tan largo.... voy a hacer pruebas con un alimentador de corriente externo para que mantenga constante el flujo de corriente.. en tal caso.. creo que por los comentarios no es un problema que se solucione cambiandola por otra.. asi que a probar y esperar que funcione... y seria bueno que hicieran el cable mas corto... con ellos debe ser mas facil sostener la potencia de la antena...

OscarG 22 of June of 2011 on the 09:33:00

hola, compre una cazadora, la instale en un winsows 7 x86, funcionó bien un par de días, ahora se conecta y desconecta acada rato, toca desconectarla y volver a conectarla... a mi modo de ver y experiencia creo q es por el cable tan largo.... voy a hacer pruebas con un alimentador de corriente externo para que mantenga constante el flujo de corriente.. en tal caso.. creo que por los comentarios no es un problema que se solucione cambiandola por otra.. asi que a probar y esperar que funcione... y seria bueno que hicieran el cable mas corto... con ellos debe ser mas facil sostener la potencia de la antena...

OscarG 22 of June of 2011 on the 09:36:04

hola, compre una cazadora, la instale en un winsows 7 x86, funcionó bien un par de días, ahora se conecta y desconecta acada rato, toca desconectarla y volver a conectarla... a mi modo de ver y experiencia creo q es por el cable tan largo.... voy a hacer pruebas con un alimentador de corriente externo para que mantenga constante el flujo de corriente.. en tal caso.. creo que por los comentarios no es un problema que se solucione cambiandola por otra.. asi que a probar y esperar que funcione... y seria bueno que hicieran el cable mas corto... con ellos debe ser mas facil sostener la potencia de la antena...

jjrambao 22 of June of 2011 on the 11:17:40

lamentable esta situacion, me ha pasado lo mismo que a los compañero la señal sale como una tarjeta de red inalambrica usb normal no amplifica la señal, ni aumenta la velocidad de transferencia, ya que mi router trabaja con la nueva tecnologia del estándar IEEE 802.11n y solo coje 54mbps ya con los parametros configurado en mi router para para ese estandar. Así que como disen por ahí ?esa plática se perdió?.

jjrambao 22 of June of 2011 on the 11:29:58

Por favor, senor(a): 3bumen Team ó Sres 3bumen ¡Manifiéstese! ... Ante esta situación GRASIAS. Para que no les siga pasando esto a mas clientes.

velan 23 of June of 2011 on the 13:39:07

Tu router trabajar con la tecnología N (a) 150 ó hasta 300 mbs dependiendo el modelo hay diferencia de configuración entre una y otra, los protocolos de seguridad también influyen en la tasa de trasmisión, así como el espacio físico donde se efectúa el enlace, la interferencia de los canales y la cantidad de equipos utilizando la red. debes depurar tu conexión para ver si te mejora la velocidad.

Sergio 27 of June of 2011 on the 18:40:33

Es Regulable la potencia?

GreenShark 28 of June of 2011 on the 11:27:59

Para mi 3Bumen entra en el sector de los productos inestables, pues en 2 equipos que no funcionó con win7 bajé a XP y tampoco, ya han cambiado antenas y nada; en conclusión esas antenas se quedaron colgadas. Adicionalmente escribe uno a soporte y no responden.

sierra 29 of June of 2011 on the 11:43:54

prueben descargando desde el driver del chip 8192SU según tu SO. y en seven que no te instale la ayuda de realtek, yo lo realice y me están funcionando bien

Harold 30 of June of 2011 on the 00:39:03

Mi experiencia con esta tarjeta ha sido pésima, la primera que me enviaron se instaló perfectamente pero no detectaba ninguna red, probé con varios controladores y en dos equipos diferentes con xp y seven, por tanto el vendedor me la cambio por otra, la cual tiene un funcionamiento muy irregular detecta las redes tras varios intentos y cuando logra conectarse se desconecta continuamente, en fin solicite al vendedor que me la cambie por otro producto, ya que este claramente tiene severos defectos de fábrica.

charles3101 30 of June of 2011 on the 11:21:05

la antena conecta a las red y al momento se desconecta y no funciona,, que puedo hacer.

Carlos 01 of July of 2011 on the 18:25:21


Carlos 01 of July of 2011 on the 18:27:22

Escriban a mi correo para darles información: [email protected] Y para los que quieren usar Back Track 3 y 4, olvidense porque tampoco funciona en modo monitor. Completa porquería de producto.

Luis Angulo 02 of July of 2011 on the 16:23:35

Por qué 3bumen team no responde a los usuarios, sean serios y resuelvan estos problemas con sus productos. En mi caso estoy descepcionado de sus productos con tan poca calidad. Jamás compraré un producto 3bumen.

k-li-man 05 of July of 2011 on the 16:02:44

Completos idiotas estos comentarios de : luis angulo, carlos, bogotano, que no van a ningun pereira, entre otros que se hacen el papael a veces de muy conocedores y que al final no saben naa, sepanlo que en mi caso he experimentado con muchos productos wifi y este es un verdadero producto de chip realtek los cuales no tienen que envidiarle a los atheros (que son patente tipica americana y limitada), a estos personajes les digo estudien mas y lo encontraran,,no necesite de auditorias presenciales ni naa de eso y aprendi, todo no es tan facil y no todo se los voy a decir hehe muy buen producto, instalacion facil, desinstalacion etc. hasta un niño entiende.Excelente producto asiatico...brutos brutos estos engendros del mal hehe!!!

k-li-man 05 of July of 2011 on the 16:08:36

Ultima opinion: si no entienden no pregunten tanto y no hagan el ridikulo postendo cosas , el instinto se los dice ...hehe. Pregunten a un tecnico si kieren aprender mas..paguen al menos si no les quedan neuronas. Comentarios de aki para lla me valen...

masterjan 06 of July of 2011 on the 13:04:19

Cordial saludo, Me gustaria saber si esta targeta de red se puede poner en modo monitor, y si ademas es compatible con programas como wifiway, wifislax, bactrack... si es posible realizar auditorias de seguridad wi fi con ella.... gracias.....

masterjan 06 of July of 2011 on the 13:05:04

Cordial saludo, Me gustaria saber si esta targeta de red se puede poner en modo monitor, y si ademas es compatible con programas como wifiway, wifislax, bactrack... si es posible realizar auditorias de seguridad wi fi con ella.... gracias.....

masterjan 06 of July of 2011 on the 13:05:18

Cordial saludo, Me gustaria saber si esta targeta de red se puede poner en modo monitor, y si ademas es compatible con programas como wifiway, wifislax, bactrack... si es posible realizar auditorias de seguridad wi fi con ella.... gracias.....

cancerberus1981 09 of July of 2011 on the 20:52:12

me gustaria saber si esta tarjeta soporta la intemperie o toca mantenerla bajo techo, por que es buena al aire libre, pero bajo techo no detecta ninguna señal

Sandra 10 of July of 2011 on the 21:17:53

Bajo techo, al tener mucha potencia si el espacio es muy encerrado puede generar mucho ruido. Para exteriores te recomiendo la Atomic Air, funciona muy bien. Si no te funciono como querias la cambias por el producto que quieres, lo que me exigieron fue tener cajas en perfecto estado y producto en perfecto estado. La verdad trabajar con 3bumen me parecio lo mejor. Asi que no dudes, en la line de soporte casi que te prenden velas para atenderte como cliente, son una locura de servicio. Aprovechalos. Aprovechade de ellos, en el mejor sentido de la palabra.

alfonso 13 of July of 2011 on the 17:38:20

Hola acabo de comprar el producto y solo quiero que el team de 3bumen posteara un pequeño manual de cómo sacarle el mejor provecho a su producto (configuración para portatiles por ejemplo) para aquellas personas que no tenemos tanto "vagaje" en sistemas. Sería mucho pedir?

Nicolás 15 of July of 2011 on the 14:14:40

Hola. Resulta que tengo problemas con la antena al encender el computador, parece que no la reconoce y tengo que proceder a desconectarla de su puerto y volverla a conectar en uno diferente. Además ocurre que cuando conecto mi disco duro portable y realizo funciones de copiado y pegado de archivos, la antena deja de funcionar. Alguien me puede ayudar con esto por favor?

velan 16 of July of 2011 on the 09:29:25

Nicolás. tu unidad de disco externa se alimenta solo por la conexión USB o tienen alimentación externa, te lo pregunto porque los dos dispositivos requieren de una cierta potencia para operar y hay casos en la potencia de la fuente no es suficiente para mantener operando los dispositivos especiales conectados a los puertos USB.

Nicolás 16 of July of 2011 on the 12:52:00

Está alimentada solo por conexión USB, y bueno si se me ha pasado por la mente que es debido a la potencia de la fuente. Como podría solucionarlo? Y lo de mi problema de que al encender el PC tengo que reconectar? Es bastante molesto, además de que a veces ocurre estando el computador encendido ( sin mi disco conectado ). Será todo problemas de fuente?

Nicolás 16 of July of 2011 on the 12:52:01

Está alimentada solo por conexión USB, y bueno si se me ha pasado por la mente que es debido a la potencia de la fuente. Como podría solucionarlo? Y lo de mi problema de que al encender el PC tengo que reconectar? Es bastante molesto, además de que a veces ocurre estando el computador encendido ( sin mi disco conectado ). Será todo problemas de fuente?

velan 16 of July of 2011 on the 13:50:38

Nicolás. lo mas probable es que sea cuestión de la fuente porque la salida de la fuente a 5 voltios no solo inyecta a los dispositivos USB también a otros circuitos de la placa madre.

Nicolás 16 of July of 2011 on the 22:46:15

No habrá alguna solución temporal hasta el momento en que compre otra fuente?

andres 18 of July of 2011 on the 15:44:45

malisima, no sostiene la coneccion no compren este pedazo se apaga voy a cambiarla y les comento

lcd 24 of July of 2011 on the 13:11:13

compre una funciono perfecto cierto tiempo formateee el pc haora no me conecta sale wlan detecta un ploblema y debe cerrarse y me saca ke esooooooo

vamos 01 25 of July of 2011 on the 09:16:13

Bueno lcd debes desistalarla e instalarla nuevamente con el cd sin que wind haga nada a mi me ah dado resultado cuando me ah tocado formatear el equipo.

cesar_dcho 05 of August of 2011 on the 15:45:06

cesar_dcho buen dia, compre unaantena de estas, pero resulta que despues de instalada, varios dias despues, no prende el la luz verde de la base de la antena, y me toca desistalarla y volverla a instalar, inclusive le doy solucioanr problemas y nada, por que sera que no prende y no funciona a ratos, gracias

cesar_dcho 05 of August of 2011 on the 15:46:46

cesar_dcho por que a veces no preden la antena, y me toca desistalar y volve a instalar, gracias

maxlife 09 of August of 2011 on the 19:49:17

hola megustaria saber sy funciona para wifiway, wifislax, bactrack muchas gracias

OscrVo 12 of August of 2011 on the 17:37:41

Srs. Me uno al grupo de personas que opinan que la cazadora no es un muy buen producto... Compre una cazadora hace un par de meses y bueno al poco tiempo se empezo a caer la señal.. tocaba conectarla y desconectarla.. todo un lio.. solicite garantia y demoro mas de un mes... ahora recibo la otra y esta peor que la anterior.. yo soy técnico y conozco del tema... pero este producto definitivamente deja mucho que pensar.. no tengo nada en contra de los productos orientales.. pero como dije antes tal vez, deberían indicar que se necesita administrarle corriente externa para que funciones bn... en fin.. un fiasco de producto.. ahora tengo que solucionarle a mi cliente y como concluyen muchos esa platica... se perdió.. deje así.

pocho8207 13 of August of 2011 on the 14:04:49

si que antena tan mala tiene mas señal una antena de 5 db que esta que tiene 9 claro eso dicen para wifiway backtrack no me sirvio esa platica tambiem se perdio y eso que compre 2

velan 13 of August of 2011 on the 14:39:18

pocho lo primero que uno hace antes de comprar un elemento es saber si le va a servir para que lo quiere. y para usarle en backtrack es saber si el chip permite esta aplicació por dios

nolam 26 of August of 2011 on the 21:30:31

pero donde se supone que descarga uno los driver de este producto si lo que descarga son2 archivos que nada que ver

vamos01 27 of August of 2011 on the 13:35:21

nolam en el cd de instalación están los driver. si se te extravió el cd, el chip es realtek 8188su

yeicom 28 of August of 2011 on the 21:09:45

la instale y el pc me la reconoce pero el icono de intensidad de señal permanece en rojo y en la pantalla general aparece no asociado. Alguien sabe como solucionarlo?

velan 30 of August of 2011 on the 11:03:46

yeicom al estar en rojo es que tiene una muy mala señal a la cual te estas conectando.

yeicom 30 of August of 2011 on the 19:49:36

eso pense inicialmente, pero la probe donde la tarjeta incorporada de mi portatil agarra una red y la antena no agarra esa misma red

yeicom 06 of September of 2011 on the 20:50:28

bueno ya lo solucione: La antena estaba dañada. Reclame garantia y listo la probare y publicare comentarios

rmartinperez 07 of September of 2011 on the 23:10:48

tengo un problema al dejarla conectada el pc no me arranca me toca desconectarla de la usb para que arranque , ya verifique y tengo desactivado el boot por usb, alguien tiene alguna solución hasta actualice la bios pero el problema persiste cuando esta conectado

yeicom 15 of September of 2011 on the 22:12:44

Doy un comentario acerca del producto: No soy un experto, solo hablo como consumidor promedio, sin muchos conocimientos: Esta antena es inestable en win 7, no aumenta la señal tanto como se pensaria por la publicidad. Conclusion, recomiendo mirar varios productos antes de comprar este, y no hacerse grandes expectativas al adquirir este

SirRodrich 17 of September of 2011 on the 20:03:04

No funciona en WINDOWS 7. no quedo conforme con este producto

jesusob 21 of September of 2011 on the 10:18:50

este producto es muy bajo ya que la recepcio nde señal es leve y es muy inestable mantiene hiendose la señal y todo....

tonymil 23 of September of 2011 on the 20:46:34

hola compre una y no se si es que no la he sabido utilizar pero no detecta es nada de señal si alguien sabe por favor les agradeceria

Celcius 24 of September of 2011 on the 09:13:37

Hola he comprado esta tarjeta hace ya un par de semanas al principio fue un verdadero dolor de cabeza pero al final he logrado instalarla con resultados mas o menos decentes. 1 si tu tarjeta se desconecta y conecta consecutivamente pueden presentarse pantallazos azules =S o simplemente no la reconoce: esta tarjeta requiere un consumo eléctrico continuo por lo tanto recomiendo conectarla en equipos de escritorio a los puertos usb traseros mas cercanos a la board si tienes conocimientos en soldar y electrónica puedes conectarle una fuente de 5V a la tarjeta 2 problemas de señal: en mi caso en un principio era un sube y baja a la hora de la descargar de 4MB variaba de 20kB a 100KB en 1 segundo. Pero he notado que esta se ve afectada demasiado por las cosas que rodeen la antena en mi caso el simple hecho de estar detrás de la ventana (el vidrio) causaba esta molestia con solo ponerla en el exterior la señal se estabilizaba y puedo aprovechar el 98% de mi red aprox 3 Intensidad de las redes: las redes con esta tarjeta pueden mostrar valores en windows de 3 rayas pero al momento de la conexión la tarjeta se dedica únicamente a entender la red que estamos conectados especialmente en el canal que se encuentre por ello en el momento de conectarnos con esta tarjeta la calidad de la conexión mejora dramáticamente al ingresar a la red y en el momento de explorar redes disponibles disminuirán (probablemente solo muestre las del canal que maneje la red que nos hemos conectado). 4: Cantidad de redes: la cantidad de redes que puedo detectar mm esperaba muchas mas por el tipo de tarjeta pero cabe recordar que también depende del emisor (AP) creo que el chip realtec 8192su la sensibilidad es de al rededor de -70 y -60 dbi no varia con una tarjeta convencional por lo tanto ella detecta muchas mas redes pero solo nos muestra las de intensidades mas altas Conclusión no es una mala tarjeta tiene mala atención al usuario y especificaciones... pero tampoco es la mejor del mercado

tonymil 24 of September of 2011 on the 10:09:15

no se, a o mejor no se configurarla, a he conectado a os puertos traseros de a cpu y nada que detecta señal. en donde estoy hay una señal gratuita y no se como configurar el programa....

Celcius 24 of September of 2011 on the 13:36:23

tinymil primero verifica que tu computadora reconoce la tarjeta que este instalada para ello si usas windows7 panel de control---redes e Internet----centro de redes y recursos compartidos.. en el panel izquierdo cambiar configuración del adaptador Ahy deberas encontrar el icono del adaptador inalambrico de no ser asi intenta reinstalar los drivers* de esta pagina o usando el windows update no es estrictamente necesario usar la aplicacion de conexion de realtek

usuario satisfecho 25 of September of 2011 on the 02:12:18


Celcius 25 of September of 2011 on the 14:03:09

Este modelo aun no se ha activado el modo monitor por parte de realtek aun que hay temas relacionados que cierto driver no oficial permite activarla como monitor con la misma interfaz WAN0 personalmente no me funciono.

damascuslu 27 of September of 2011 on the 09:49:08

Como activo los 9di en mac y win 7 ya que solo da hasta 251 mw

pipex 30 of September of 2011 on the 13:03:33

Buenas la tarjeta sirve para auditorias, o sea que referencia de chip tiene, si es realtek. Funciona con aicrak o el programa beini en especifico ya que asi se podrian decifrar las contraseñas de las redes wifi que encuentre

anfegape 07 of October of 2011 on the 10:07:13

yo compre el router de alta potencia "rompe muros" y lo quiero instalar en w7 pero no he podido ingresar a la pagina de configuracion por que me pide usuario y contraseña y no he podido dar con ellos y el manual dice que deje los espacios vacios pero tampoco. que hago?

Nettina 26 of October of 2011 on the 20:33:28

Ingresa a la IP usuario: 3bumen clave: 3bumen

Nettina 26 of October of 2011 on the 20:34:59

El chip de esta tarjeta es realtek, a mi no me funciono con aircrak pero si mejoro mucho mi calidad de señal, en realidad la necesitaba para eso. OJO no la uses dentro de un espacio muy cerrado. No te funcionara bien.

Softzen 21 of November of 2011 on the 03:47:15

Hay forma de replicar una red existente con esta antena para ampliar el rango en el Modo Punto de Acceso?

jorge e. g 23 of November of 2011 on the 05:05:49

alguien sabe como se instala la atomic air para que funcione como la cazadora

JJ 26 of November of 2011 on the 02:16:48

Un producto malisimo... tengo una tarjeta usb relteck 8187l y me detecta redes que la otra tarjeta no detecta, ademas de que las señales en la 8187l es casi el doble que en la de 3bumen. Me siento estafado nunca mas comprare un producto de esta compañia y aconsejare a mis allegados a que desistan tambien. Esta tarjeta es una cazadora, pero cazadora de de compradores mal informados.

Yoshet Monterrosa 26 of November of 2011 on the 23:40:29

no la puedo instalar en el Windows 7 a 32 bits

jhon diaz 28 of November of 2011 on the 14:46:00

Cordial saludo, Me gustaria saber si esta targeta de red se puede poner en modo monitor, y si ademas es compatible con programas como wifiway, wifislax, bactrack... si es posible realizar auditorias de seguridad wi fi con ella.... gracias....

garras 02 of December of 2011 on the 23:56:19

ya descargue el driver pero no se como instalarlo porfa me podrian explicar

peype 11 of December of 2011 on the 10:58:56

bueno, leí todos los comentarios y al final quedé sin saber si comprarla o no vivo en puerto asís putumayo colombia, y realmente necesitamos esta conexion en nuestra vereda escuchamos [email protected]

Gina 11 of December of 2011 on the 11:23:17

Si lo que necesitas es conectarte a una red que te llega con muy baja señal, creo que te funcionaria.

NACHO SAURIOS 18 of December of 2011 on the 07:51:01

la antena es eso una antena su corte dentro del rango de frecuencia por su tamaño esta ente un octavo o un cuarto de onda que es muy bueño las espectativas son muchas cuando nosotros vemos dentro del rango de un kilometo asumimos que son muchos los dispositivos que podriamos ver en el area de un kilometro el chip cumple con su funcion permite las señales mas altas y con limitante de las mismas cunado la señal es baja para que ver señales bajas si nos va a funcional mal a modo esperimental aprovechando el chip podriamos encotrar con una formula secilla en internet el corte de una antena de onda completa y anexarlo al chip de esa manera lograrian optimizar el caza a un 100 por ciento o de lo contrario comprar un satelite me parecio un buen producto lo utilizo sin problema en xp 7 linux no dejemos que la tecnologia no atropeye utilicemos recurso que es lo mas bonito de esta profesion las solucines son diversas y no hay nada mas entretenido que pensar un poquito mis mejores deseos para todos jirs

lala 21 of December of 2011 on the 12:13:51

nacho saurios vien interesante tu comentario cuentame si tiene la formula para corta la antena y como podria trabajar la antena al cien por ciento (1 kilometro) y si el chip trabajaria bien ya que por lo que comentas el software no tiene ningun problema y si la hubicacion es importante ya que tres metros de cable al usb nos dice que no o si se puede anexar una extension usb

Adri 21 of December of 2011 on the 12:23:12

Te respondo con base en mi experiencia, la extension es riesgosa, el cable tendria que ser 100% Cobre pues si no, el voltaje que le llega no es sufiente y mas si depronto el puerto USB no esta entregando todo el voltaje necesario. A nacho no le entendi Nada..... Pero si persibi que el producto le funciono, a mi tambien, las redes Wi-Fi con equipos de alta potencia, son de trabajo, pero funcionan.

Asdrubal 30 of December of 2011 on the 22:01:22

Buenas noches. He probado en 3 pcs con windows 7 y no me da señal, o me la bota inmediatamente, el driver instala aparentemente bien pero de ninguna forma me funciona. baje el driver de la pagina, instale el software, he preguntado en internet y nadie me da respuesta. en xp funciona perfectamente. Muchas gracias por cualquier ayuda que me puedan brindar.

MageWhite 26 of January of 2012 on the 19:18:03

Hola, soy técnico de equipos de computo y acabo de comprar una 3bumen cazadora y ooooo abro el foro,encuentro tantas criticas, pero bueno el router rompemuros es genial :) ahora mi deber es sacar la verdad a flote realiazar los tests correspondientes y posteare los resultados asi que agarrate 3bumen cazadora si eres un fraude lo sabra todo el mundo.....¬¬

WiTech 27 of January of 2012 on the 17:29:44

Hola, tambien soy tecnico, de hecho me especializao en redes Inalambricas y tengo para decir que este producto es muy bueno, su unico defecto, que no diria sea un defecto es que el software que trae si se instala en Windows 7 presenta conflictos porque Windows 7 no deja que otro software gestione la red. La antene funciona a la perfeccion, tambien te recomiendo que no estes en un lugar muy encerrado y que los puertos USB del computador esten bien.

rush 27 of January of 2012 on the 19:53:18

pregunta...estoy utilizando ubuntu 11.04 en el principio se conectaba y desconectaba lo que hice fue cambiar el network manager que trae ubuntu por defecto y le instale el wicd coje las señales pero no me deja conectar me dice que la password esta errada pruebo con la tarjeta del pc y si me conecta quien me puede ayudar en esto y siu alguien sabe como ponerla en modo monitor para realizar las auditorias

Dandres 20 of February of 2012 on the 13:33:07

necesito ayuda instale la antena en win xp y funciono bn tuve que formatear el pc y desde ahi no funciona se instala correctamente y no dice que no encuentra drives los descargue de la pag y lo mismo ayuda que debo hacer

wyara75 20 of February of 2012 on the 20:36:46

soy neofito en el tema de los sistemas, me lei todos los comentarios hasta el dia de hoy y creo que por ahora no comprare esta antena, nadie me brinda soporte suficiente como para hacer una inversion de 10 antenas que necesito, alguien que me recomiende un producto similar y que sea facil la instalacion y que haya superado los controles de calidad de los usuarios.

xtroll 22 of February of 2012 on the 20:47:39

em una pregunta aki aparece la descarga de un driver para windows xp pero lo descargue y no me aparece instalacion me aparecen dos archivos q no se para ue sirven por favor no se como conectar m cazadora ayudenmen

RODRIGO 24 of March of 2012 on the 11:10:42


andres8207 28 of March of 2012 on the 15:28:59

amigo el problemas tiene que mirar el sistema operativo si es xp lo instala con autoron si es windows 7 tiene qie instalarlo como administrador e comprado muchas y me funcionan 100% con windos 7

Yamidfj 06 of April of 2012 on the 20:43:14

Tengo problemas con esta tarjeta, al principio funcionaba bien en mi pc de escritorio, mejoró notablemente la recepción de señal pero de funcionar , cuando la conecto Windows la detecta pero la conección de red queda con una X y no muestra niguna red, ya la probé en todos los puertos USB y nada, tanto en XP como en Windows 7; debido a esto la estaba usando con mi portatil y paso igual, funciono un tiempo y ahora la conecto, la reconoce, trata de conectar a la red y queda con una X. PREGUNTA ¿ Problema con la longitud el cable? , ¿Suministro insuficifiente de corriente en el puerto USB?, ¿ Incompatibilidad con Windows?, ¿Falla de diseño? Si hay algun soporte por parte de 3Bumen sería bueno que aclararan esta situación. desde Colombia

tascon2 20 of April of 2012 on the 01:26:38

tengo problema con esta antena no me funciona, tengo una alfa verde awus036nh 2000mw y tengo la alfa blanca awus036nhr y nada que igualar mis alfas cojen 20 redes y esta 3bumen solo 4 aveces 5 busque driversnstale y reinstale nada paralos qu quieran usarla en modo monitor tienen que montar el wmare player y sobre este el wifiway o el beini no compren esta antena . . pongan 20.000 y compren en mercadolibre la alfa blanca

tascon2 20 of April of 2012 on the 01:29:23

apropósito estoy en colombia y [email protected] es mi correo para el q necesite asesoría en redes gratis solo me escribe

Lia 22 of April of 2012 on the 10:19:07

Conozco la Alfa, lo que dices no es del todo cierto, el numero de redes que vea es una cosa, que te puedas conectar es otra, y ello depende de la sencibilidad, el chip que utiliza la Alfa es diferente al Realtek que utiliza la 3bumen, aunque el realtek presenta algunos inconvenientes en la configuracion y no lo puedes utilizar facilmente en modo monitor, la conexion es mucho mejor, asi que en resumen depende del entorno, en general me quedo con la 3bumen, la compro mucho para mi y para mis clientes, diria que ya llevo mas de 20. Ademas que la garantias es muy superior. Me escriben si quieren saber mas [email protected]

Jhon 22 of April of 2012 on the 10:20:38

Un poco compleja de configurar pero me encanto y el soporte es super.... [email protected]

cancerberus1981 30 of April of 2012 on the 12:53:27

estaba funcionando perfecto, pero ahora detecta la señal pero no se conecta, que puede ser ayuda

ivancho 23 of May of 2012 on the 19:05:06

hoy compre una y menos mal vi todos estos comentarios y lleve mi portátil la conecte y se cae cada nada el controlador la ensaye con otros pc que había en la tienda y nada realmente no compren esta antena es una porquería mejor junten 50mil mas y se compran una comfast de 13 dbi muy buena la recomiendo. no compren este producto de mala calidad

rocka 30 of May of 2012 on the 15:17:23

para TASCON2 mira la deteccion que tenga la tarjeta cazadora depende de el entorno en el que se encuentre si alredor de ella hay pocas redes es muy improbable que loqre cojer una gran cantidad de redes recuerda que la antena de este equipo es de 9dbi lo que le proporciona una gran ganancia y un gran aclance.

rocka 30 of May of 2012 on the 15:17:23

para TASCON2 mira la deteccion que tenga la tarjeta cazadora depende de el entorno en el que se encuentre si alredor de ella hay pocas redes es muy improbable que loqre cojer una gran cantidad de redes recuerda que la antena de este equipo es de 9dbi lo que le proporciona una gran ganancia y un gran aclance.

ammy 30 of May of 2012 on the 15:20:24

el alcance de esta cazadora es impresionante a mi también me ocurría lo de IVANCHO pero solo le reinstale los driver en el administrador de dispositivos y quedo funcionando a la perfección.. yo la recomiendo mucho..........

camilo 26 of June of 2012 on the 09:42:07

lo q pasa es q la tengo y una veces me coje muyyy bien la red pero en otras ocasiones en el mismo punto no coje señal que tengo q hacer ella es muyy buena pero falla a ratos no se si el problema es del pc un soni vaio vpceg15fl gracias espero respuesta rapido me da mucha ravia q no coja a ratos en el mismo punto

SIEMENS 20 of September of 2012 on the 21:35:44

Esta antena la reconoce el beini 1.2.3?, la verdad no me ha sido util.

Lina. 20 of September of 2012 on the 22:00:28

Busca los programas que utilicen Realtek, el beini no lo conozco.

maomix 05 of October of 2012 on the 14:20:26

Excelente antena, perfecta para auditar redes, compatible con Beini y otros programas de auditoria, reconoce XP y 7, el chipset RTL8187 es de lo mejor, a los que no le funciona seguramente no saben como configurar los drivers..., no es problema de la antena que el que la adquiera no sepa configurarla y operarla......

cesar augusto 14 of October of 2012 on the 08:31:56

que pasa que el software no es compatible con windows 8 , si ya es pare que 3bumen fuese compatible con este sistema operativo

jhon 27 of January of 2013 on the 22:21:53

hola tengo una antena pero no puedo conectarme que puedo a ser en este caso quien puede ayudarme

Jonathan 06 of March of 2013 on the 12:58:07

Como puedo configurar la Cazadora 2 para aumentar señal ?? Y por que no encuentro nada relacionado con la cazadora 2??

klara 17 of March of 2013 on the 13:41:31

hola necesito el driver de la 3bumen cazadora el cd instalador se estropeo por completo y tengo windows 7 en la pagina aparece un driver que no da opción de instalar ayúdenme por favor

Schof 19 of March of 2013 on the 00:17:00

En blacktrack funciona de maravilla muy buena inversión tratare de hacer mis propias modificaciones y les cuento

Zack 29 of May of 2013 on the 15:25:27

¿Con esta tarjeta alcanzaría a conectarme a una red creada por un Router rompemuros (3Bumen de 1000mW) que se encuentra a unos 400 o 500 metros de distancia? Nota: solo hay una línea de árboles en medio y una casa. Gracias de antemano.

Hector 18 of June of 2013 on the 11:28:38

Buen dia , tengo un problema, tengo la cazadora2 de 3bumen, pero no me coje algunas redes, por ejemplo no me coje la red wifi de mi casa pero con la tarjeta de mi lapto si me la coje, he probado de todo, necesito ayudar por favor

carls 14 of July of 2013 on the 21:47:31

bueno cual es el valor en moneda colombiana gracias

Gacha. 28 of July of 2013 on the 18:25:15

Tengo esta antena y algo le sucedió a mi pc y el Software del controlador del dispositivo se borró. Valeria lo drscargué para Windows 7 y tambien para el Windows 7 de 64 bits y ninguno lo reconoce, me dice que no lo encuentra y no lee la antena. Por favor si alguien tiene una solución que por fa me diga. Gracias.

fhilip karther 20 of September of 2013 on the 13:17:30

hola, ya varias personas solicitamos el favor que nos ayuden con el driver para w-7 todos ustedes tienen el CD alguno puede colaborar, es que el mio se daño. gracias

fhilip karther 20 of September of 2013 on the 19:08:36

hola, ya llego el driver, lo instale pero no abre, ni deja configurar ni alumbra el bombillo que tiene la base de la antena. que procedimiento hay para instalarlo? darle permisos de administrador? desactivar algo al antivirus? que hago gracias

fhilip karther 20 of September of 2013 on the 19:33:18

se ejecuta como piloto o como conductor y..... que hago

rohevi1309 15 of February of 2014 on the 07:19:25

hola, instale una tarjeta cazador2, pero no me detecta las redes mas lejanas, solo reconoce redes de distancia a 250 metros, la compre porque quiero rastrear dos redes que estan a distancia de 550 metros y no me funciona. hay alguna forma de configurarla para poder detectar esas redes?

jjgomez 19 of March of 2014 on the 20:34:20

no funciona para windows 7 64bits donde conseguimos el drivers

Softzen 29 of March of 2014 on the 19:09:33

Hola Alguien pudiera hacernos el favor a quienes perdimos legibilidad del CD de instalar original, en publicar una imagen .iso Para descarga p{ublica ya que del soporte de 3Bumen , solo se descarga el driver, y no la aplicación para gestionar como AccesPoint. Muchas Gracias!!!.

master85 21 of April of 2014 on the 00:52:28

necesito los drivers para que me funcione en windos 8.1 pro -64bits ojala me colaboren porque la compre para nada

carlos23 18 of February of 2015 on the 00:21:53

Hola, tengo hace unos 5 años una antena 3 bumen muy parecida, mejor dicho identica, pero estos drivers no me funcionan, por favor si me pueden colaborar debe ser alguna q ya descontinuaron pero es identica a esta cazadora, mi sistema operativo es win7 64

Jama303 06 of August of 2015 on the 21:02:21

Buenas noches, eh actualizado mi sistema operativo a win10, y no reconoce mi wifi cazadora, por que? por favor urgente, ya que es con lo que hago mi trabajo.

Soporte 3bumen 10 of August of 2015 on the 08:13:21

Antes de actualizar windows el te muestra las posibles incompatibilidades de la nueva actualizacion, cuando windows 10 no tiene o soporta algun controlador de algun chip, lo mostrara en dicho paso. Un nuevo sistema operativo usualmente presenta inconvenientes de incompativilidad con otros dispositivos o controladores, al ser windows 10 tan nuevo el numero de incompativilidades puede ser superior, en el caso de la cazadora, el fabricante del chip principal aun no ha publicado un driver para windows 10 tan pronto como tengamos una novedad se publicara en la pagina.

Harrakadas 08 of September of 2015 on the 15:46:28

por fin funciona, compre una hace algunos años y me presentaba muchos problemas, en alguna ocacion alguien comento sobre la falta de corriente, quité el cable original y le puse uno de 80 cm con buen calibre y funciona a la perfeccion...

Luigi 27 of March of 2019 on the 23:23:14

Hace falta los drivers para windows 10 de 32 y 64

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Why did you come to ? stromectol ivermectin Sent off as the 7-5 favorite, the George Ducharme-trainee went parked until securing the top just before the half, then held off the late-charging Spider Blue Chip. so it’s a (class act) from him.”

Edmundo 16 of November of 2021 on the 06:40:56

I'm about to run out of credit stromectol ivermectin In prior years, students typically visited a Jewish synagogue, a Hindu temple and a Muslim mosque, according to the Tennessean. A school board member noted during the recent hubbub there was neither sufficient time nor funding to visit all five houses of worship.

Everette 16 of November of 2021 on the 07:21:00

I want to report a stromectol ivermectin President Vladimir Putin didn't say a word about the biggest Moscow riot since he came to power in 2000. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin didn't see fit even to make an appearance in Biryulyovo during the rioting.

Antione 16 of November of 2021 on the 07:21:03

Hello good day stromectol ivermectin The government handed 10 percent of Royal Mail's shares tostaff in the largest share giveaway of any major Britishprivatisation, with just 368 of the 150,000 eligible UK-basedworkers declining to take up their free shares.

Alvin 16 of November of 2021 on the 07:21:07

I'll call back later stromectol ivermectin It's shaping up to be the most competitive Western Conference race since 2009-10, when the No. 8 seed won 50 games. But unlike that season, there are more legitimate threats, from both conferences, to advance to the Finals than there have been in several years. A case can be made for any of the top six teams in the West, and add to that defending champion Miami, the team the Heat beat in the Eastern Conference Finals — Indiana — the Chicago Bulls, who get Derrick Rose back, and the retooled Brooklyn Nets and a full third of the league appears to be capable of making a Finals run.

Harland 16 of November of 2021 on the 07:21:10

I'll text you later stromectol ivermectin Foundation Medicine's shares touched a high of $34.19 on the Nasdaq, valuing the company at about $900 million. About 6 million shares changed hands, making it one of the most heavily traded stocks on the exchange.

Joseph 16 of November of 2021 on the 07:21:12

Hold the line, please stromectol ivermectin The hope now is that the U.S. and other Western nuclear powers can persuade Iran to curb sensitive uranium enrichment after years of tough sanctions failed to do the job. New Iranian President Hassan Rouhani's overtures towards the West, while insisting on Tehran's nuclear "rights", have raised hopes of a negotiated settlement to the decade-old dispute ahead of talks between the two sides on October 15-16 in Geneva.

Roscoe 16 of November of 2021 on the 07:32:16

I quite like cooking stromectol ivermectin One such region is the Rheinhardswald in the northern part of the state of Hesse. This is the home of the magical tales of Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel and others, made famous in the books of the brothers Grimm.

Hassan 16 of November of 2021 on the 07:32:18

Go travelling stromectol ivermectin Bargnani, who was slowed by injuries during his final two seasons with the Raptors, is questionable for Monday’s preseason game in Toronto — their second visit to his previous NBA home in a week.

Dwight 16 of November of 2021 on the 07:32:21

I'll text you later stromectol ivermectin Among the 89 people killed by the crush were 17 children and 31 women, he said. Hours later, relatives were searching for missing loved ones among the bodies that were lying grouped together on the bridge.

Genesis 16 of November of 2021 on the 07:32:23

A law firm stromectol ivermectin Cops are still hunting for three of the six bikers believed to have pummeled Lien. Also charged in the assault were Robert Sims, 35, of Brooklyn, and Reggie Chance, 37. Chance, who has a history of drug, robbery and gun arrests, was seen in a video of the attack smashing the driver’s side window of Lien’s SUV, authorities said. Detectives say they’ve uncovered other footage showing bikers pulling Lien from his car and beating him.

Franklyn 16 of November of 2021 on the 07:32:25

Do you know the address? stromectol ivermectin "If no-one takes them up on this, they turn around and saythere you are, told you! Nobody needs to swap warrants to takephysical delivery," the first source said. "To people not reallyin the know, they will say that's great, so it's a clever pieceof business."

Abigail 16 of November of 2021 on the 07:36:10

perfect design thanks stromectol ivermectin The G20's regulatory task force, the Financial StabilityBoard, has set up its own working group on interest ratebenchmarks and reports back next year. It will look at howtransition to a more market-based interest rate benchmark couldwork and what to do when markets dry up.

Lazaro 16 of November of 2021 on the 07:36:15

I'm sorry, she's stromectol ivermectin Known for being the epitome of luxury, Azzedine Alaïa's designs are all about structure and texture, constructing knit dresses which have earned him a legion of fans in models and celebrities alike.

Razer22 16 of November of 2021 on the 07:36:17

Sorry, I'm busy at the moment stromectol ivermectin “Victoria and Kate have had a strong friendship for some time now, and Victoria was keen to offer a helping hand,” a source told the Daily Star. “She knows all about raising children in front of the media and the pressures it can have on family life.”

Simon 16 of November of 2021 on the 07:36:21

I sing in a choir stromectol ivermectin George Stephanopoulos is anchor of ABC's "Good Morning America" and "This Week." He is also the network's chief political correspondent, reporting on political and policy stories for all ABC News broadcasts and platforms.

Guadalupe 16 of November of 2021 on the 07:36:24

I work for a publishers stromectol ivermectin It's likely that some of the seasonal staffers will score full-time gigs. In 2012, Amazon said "thousands" of seasonal employees became regular staffers after the holidays, and it expects to do the same this year. So far in 2013, more than 7,000 temporary Amazon employees have become full-time.

Blaine 16 of November of 2021 on the 08:25:03

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Jarrod 16 of November of 2021 on the 08:25:06

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Alexa 16 of November of 2021 on the 08:25:09

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Randell 16 of November of 2021 on the 08:25:13

I'm in my first year at university stromectol ivermectin Major economic challenges lay ahead, including Abe's promises to carry out economic reforms aimed at increasing Japan's competitiveness — the third "arrow" — and a decision this fall on whether to follow through on raising the sales tax next April from 5 percent to 8 percent — a move some warn will derail the fledgling recovery.

Elias 16 of November of 2021 on the 08:25:16

I'm training to be an engineer stromectol ivermectin People do not apply to join the RYS, they are invited to do so. Some members are not particularly good sailors, some unschooled in the reality of life at sea, but they are, as one member puts it, “people one feels comfortable with”.

Parker 16 of November of 2021 on the 08:32:02

I've been cut off stromectol ivermectin After another female Twitter user told Lee she has had her own private Twitter conversations with Booker, Lee posted her direct messages with Booker that she exchanged with him in February.

Shirley 16 of November of 2021 on the 08:32:05

Punk not dead stromectol ivermectin Then they watched Ponder complete just 59 percent of his passes and throw five interceptions to just two touchdown passes in three straight losses to open the season and made the decision that his time as the team's starting quarterback had come to an end. Ponder was clearly disappointed with the decision, and he didn't get a lot of help from a lackluster offensive line in the process, but he bit his tongue and moved forward as Freeman was brought in to take over.

Willis 16 of November of 2021 on the 08:32:08

Do you know each other? stromectol ivermectin The Swiss, who achieved a rare Tour of Flanders/Paris-Roubaix double this year, tried to ease the pressure on himself, saying after claiming the bronze medal in Wednesday's time trial: "I don't want to talk about it.

Agustin 16 of November of 2021 on the 08:32:10

I stay at home and look after the children stromectol ivermectin SYDNEY, Oct 1 (Reuters) - The dollar was subdued in Asia onTuesday and vulnerable against safe-haven currencies withWashington still locked in a bitter struggle just hours ahead ofa midnight deadline that will see much of the U.S. governmentbegin to shut down.

Herbert 16 of November of 2021 on the 08:32:13

How do you spell that? stromectol ivermectin As soon as Jepsen, 27, began her wild windup, it all went terribly awry. In a video that is trending online, the Canadian singer’s late release sent the ball nose-diving only half-way to home plate, where it rolled across the first base line and bounced off a camera man’s bag.

Jada 16 of November of 2021 on the 08:56:18

A First Class stamp stromectol ivermectin You see, I’m a bit confused about the Republican position. First they say they’re doing all of this to stop the ACA. Because that position is polling so bad, they’re now saying it’s about the debt. But that still doesn’t make sense because defaulting on our debts will make the debt worse, not better. And since the deficit is dropping, what’s the complaint? Is it simply that the Republicans want to be calling all the shots? That’s what it sounds like.

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Hilario 16 of November of 2021 on the 08:56:29

In a meeting stromectol ivermectin Only it is not a gun, it is a MetroCard, a witness said, he points at them, and just like that three shots are fired, only none of them hit Broadnax, one of the shots hits a woman named Theodora Ray and another hits a woman named Sahara Khoshakhlagh. Both committing the worst crime of the city, being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Emanuel 16 of November of 2021 on the 09:40:03

Pleased to meet you stromectol ivermectin But their medical bills are still significant. Ken takes high blood pressure and cholesterol medicine and Christine takes asthma and thyroid medication, which amounts to almost $3,600 a year. They paid only about $500 a year when they got coverage from Ken’s employer.

Jonathan 16 of November of 2021 on the 09:40:07

Sorry, I'm busy at the moment stromectol ivermectin For defaults, the Alaskan family can rely on the shame factor: The trustee sends out a quarterly report detailing the status of the loans. The family also has a process to renegotiate the payment schedule.

Virgil 16 of November of 2021 on the 09:40:10

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Bernard 16 of November of 2021 on the 09:40:13

How much will it cost to send this letter to ? stromectol ivermectin “I chose a public life … [but] my three children are private citizens,” she said. “I love my kids. They’re beautiful and sweet and innocent, and I don’t want a gang of shouting, arguing, lawbreaking photographers who camp out everywhere we are all day every day to continue traumatizing my kids.”

Allison 16 of November of 2021 on the 09:40:16

How do you do? stromectol ivermectin The study involved 1200 children from across the UK who completed questionnaires designed to assess their enjoyment of nature, empathy for animals, sense of "oneness" with the natural world and responsibility for the environment.

Liam 16 of November of 2021 on the 09:52:29

Do you have any exams coming up? stromectol ivermectin Even officials in the ruling coalition of the InstitutionalRevolutionary Party and the Green Party say privately the tax isunlikely to survive as it is and might be cut back when Congressstarts to discuss the fiscal reform this week.

Jewell 16 of November of 2021 on the 09:52:32

Could you tell me the dialing code for ? stromectol ivermectin With its hilly terrain and thick vegetation, Hatay, a panhandle province that juts down into Syria, makes a relatively easy crossing point for smugglers, as well as Syrian rebel fighters and refugees fleeing the fighting.

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Patrick 16 of November of 2021 on the 09:52:39

I'm doing an internship stromectol ivermectin The government, which is hoping the arrests of senior Golden Dawn members will help it subdue a party seemingly untouched by accusations of violence and intimidation, praised the justice system for "doing its job".

Burton 16 of November of 2021 on the 09:52:42

I'm a member of a gym stromectol ivermectin The driver was not armed when she engaged police in downtown Washington, but investigators say she was clearly using the black coupe as a weapon, and officers responded, opening fire, ending what they saw as a threat.

Makayla 16 of November of 2021 on the 10:01:16

We've got a joint account stromectol ivermectin Raj De Datta founded BloomReach with 10 years of enterprise and entrepreneurial experience behind him.Most recently, he was an Entrepreneur-In-Residence at Mohr-Davidow Ventures. Previously, he was a Director of Product Marketing at Cisco. Prior to that, he was part of the founding team at telecom company FirstMark / LambdaNet, which grew to $80M in run-rate revenues. Raj also worked in technology investment banking at Lazard Freres. He holds a BSE in Electrical Engineering from Princeton and an MBA from...

Freeman 16 of November of 2021 on the 10:01:18

How many would you like? stromectol ivermectin The company on July 18 cut its outlook for revenue growthfrom software and software-related services to at least 10percent in 2013, excluding exchange-rate fluctuations, comparedwith a previous forecast for 11 to 13 percent growth.

Liam 16 of November of 2021 on the 10:01:20

I like watching TV stromectol ivermectin “Everyone contributes their little grain of sand to make the huge number of votes," said 16-year-old Damián Mas. "What’s important is that we’re interested and we vote. The country depends on our votes.”

Enoch 16 of November of 2021 on the 10:01:23

I'm a trainee stromectol ivermectin "Like everyone else, I wish we could believe Rouhani's words, but we must focus on Iran's action," Netanyahu said, adding that sanctions should be tightened if the Iranians pursue nuclear projects while negotiating with world powers.

Martin 16 of November of 2021 on the 10:01:25

Canada>Canada stromectol ivermectin "In light of increases in property prices due to the supplylimitations in some areas, it is important that we increase thesupply of suitable residential housing stock to prevent a newproperty bubble emerging."

Wilmer 16 of November of 2021 on the 10:12:14

Yes, I play the guitar stromectol ivermectin Whatever the result of the investigation, it will undoubtedly have a major impact on how Western multinationals try to build their guanxi on the mainland. As Wei Liqun, a professor of business at Hong Kong Baptist University, points out, “almost all famous banks and Fortune 500 firms try to recruit people with political connections in China.” If they can no longer target the children of the elite, it may hurt their ability to land deals in the short run.

Logan 16 of November of 2021 on the 10:12:17

I'm about to run out of credit stromectol ivermectin Among these, Dongfeng could take a direct stake in Peugeot through a capital hike, but this option was likely to irk GM, the French company's second-largest shareholder behind the Peugeot family with a 7 percent stake, the paper said.

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What do you do for a living? stromectol ivermectin The demonstrations began as a spontaneous protest against the Erdogan government's decision to build a shopping mall and a replica of former Ottoman army barracks in Gezi Park in Taksim square. However, they have mushroomed into a broad protest that transcends the traditional political cleavage between secularists and Islamists that has dominated Turkish politics in recent years.

Roger 16 of November of 2021 on the 10:12:23

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Guillermo 16 of November of 2021 on the 10:12:26

Have you got any experience? stromectol ivermectin “The Orthodox Church has long been subordinate to the state,” he said.  “This does not mean that the Church is not prepared to raise issues. But when the state has made a decision, the issue is resolved.”

Alex 16 of November of 2021 on the 10:54:32

What university do you go to? stromectol ivermectin With the PRI's lawmakers in his pocket, Peña Nieto has enlisted leaders of both National Action and the leftist Democratic Revolution Party in a “Pact for Mexico,” compelling their own legislators to enact changes he says will dramatically transform the country.

Broderick 16 of November of 2021 on the 10:54:36

I'm happy very good site stromectol ivermectin Addressing an international symposium of central bankers hosted by the U.S. Federal Reserve in Jackson Hole, Wyo., Lagarde said the effect of unconventional monetary policies, or UMP, has been positive so far in shielding the global economy from the risks of financial turmoil and in facilitating subsequent growth.

Jonathan 16 of November of 2021 on the 10:54:39

this is be cool 8) stromectol ivermectin Previously, offshore credit funds have played it safe in China, lending only to the Hong Kong listed arms of Chinese companies, which then funnel the money to subsidiaries in China. But that business model does not tap the SME market, and fails to generate the kind of returns that Shoreline makes.

Byron 16 of November of 2021 on the 10:54:43

I read a lot stromectol ivermectin Hillary Clinton is back in the news, big time. Six months after leaving her job as secretary of state, Clinton is raking in a fortune on the lecture circuit, capable of drawing six figures per speech, and raising questions about whether she is just another politician cashing in on her celebrity or the altruistic "Saint Hillary" portrayed by her admirers.

Marlon 16 of November of 2021 on the 10:54:46

Go travelling stromectol ivermectin Even for Libyans accustomed to their democracy's unruly beginnings, the drama at the Corinthia Hotel was a startling reminder of the power former fighters wield two years after they ousted Muammar Gaddafi, and the dangers of their rivalry.

Cornell 16 of November of 2021 on the 10:58:23

Lost credit card stromectol ivermectin PFC Michael Apodaca (l.), shown in his El Paso booking photo, has been sentenced to life in prison for assassinating an informant for the Juarez Cartel. Ruben Rodriguez Dorado, a U.S. informant and Juarez Cartel lieutenant, ordered the murder of another informant and gave the contract to Army PFC Michael Apodaca.

Elroy 16 of November of 2021 on the 10:58:25

Very interesting tale stromectol ivermectin For many of us, retirement is a far off dream. It’s already difficult enough to pay our current bills on time, and we aren’t able to contribute to our retirement funds as much as we’d like. But early retirement is a real possibility if you work for it in your 20s and 30s. Here are a few alternative paths to early retirement:

Leonardo 16 of November of 2021 on the 10:58:28

A company car stromectol ivermectin Brazil has been beset by strikes and protests since June when small marches against a subway and bus fare hike in Sao Paulo turned into a nationwide movement against government spending priorities and benefits. Some have marched against alleged lavish spending on facilities for the 2014 soccer World Cup to be held in Brazil.

Jamaal 16 of November of 2021 on the 10:58:32

We've got a joint account stromectol ivermectin “A lot of people doubted our desire to reopen,” says Jan Larsen, the Millenium’s general manager, sitting inside his fifth-floor office overlooking the half-built PATH station. “We never had any doubts, and I think if you just look around, it’s easy to see our determination paid off.”

Mohammad 16 of November of 2021 on the 10:58:35

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Elijah 16 of November of 2021 on the 11:06:19

A Second Class stamp stromectol ivermectin "This attack is an assault on human dignity," said Obama of Assad's alleged chemical assault on his own people, deeming it the worst such attack of the 21st century. "It also presents a serious danger to our national security," he added. 

Heriberto 16 of November of 2021 on the 11:06:22

I work for a publishers stromectol ivermectin The bourse's Industrial Index fell 11 percent, adubious market reaction to the landslide win by Mugabe and hisZANU-PF party whose economic policy centres on the"indigenisation" of foreign firms - forcing them to cedemajority control to local blacks.

Donald 16 of November of 2021 on the 11:06:25

I hate shopping stromectol ivermectin On the last day in Pyongyang, Minder M was sitting next to me as we traveled to the airport. I showed him some pictures on my phone — pictures of my family, my dog. He was very interested, so I began to tell him more about Beijing. I said that many people could not afford housing in Beijing because of the high property prices, and said that the economy was good in China but the air and water quality much worse. He spoke in a low voice, and finally, almost secretly, told me I was welcome to come back to his country again. “The first time we are friends, the second time we will be best friends, and the third time we will be brothers.” As for Minder G, we apologized to each other during the last dinner, it was a good ending.

Britt 16 of November of 2021 on the 11:06:28

Sorry, you must have the wrong number stromectol ivermectin This is a good idea actually. There will be a short period of time when the idiots with no self discipline will drink themselves to death, then things will settle down, and decent folks can move on. Of course, there will be collateral damage, but hey, Mother Government can’t cure stupidity, and shouldn’t try to. Let the Darwin principle run it’s course…

Kelvin 16 of November of 2021 on the 11:06:31

I've got a very weak signal stromectol ivermectin Italy's three main trade union confederations will holdstrikes and protests against the government's 2014 budget plan,they said on Monday, piling more pressure on Enrico Letta'sfragile coalition government.

Bradford 16 of November of 2021 on the 11:22:05

I'm sorry, I'm not interested stromectol ivermectin SIR – We now know, from the Independent Police Complaints Commission, that an inspector and two sergeants deliberately misrepresented the content of their meeting with Andrew Mitchell and the inspector then called for his resignation as a Cabinet minister.

Quinton 16 of November of 2021 on the 11:22:08

When do you want me to start? stromectol ivermectin Traditionally, that last stage is a relaxed lap of honor, at least until the pack hits the cobbles of the Champs-Elysees. There, Mark Cavendish and other sprint-finish specialists will battle for the bragging rights of the stage win on that leafy boulevard the French modestly call the most beautiful avenue in the world. The unique dusk finish for this 100th Tour, just as the sun sets behind the Arc de Triomphe, should be extra special.

Gavin 16 of November of 2021 on the 11:22:10

A financial advisor stromectol ivermectin Ticketmaster, like all the other major ticket outlets, is in the midst of a huge battle with tout-controlled bots. During the Beyoncé sale alone, it thwarted 120,000 ticket requests from bots, and the number that got round the defences cannot be known.

Bryon 16 of November of 2021 on the 11:22:13

Hello good day stromectol ivermectin For kids stuck in these areas wracked by shoot-outs, the best defense is learning how to minimize risk, both online and off. Most of them just want to appear hardened, tough, but not so tough that they stand out; the goal is a level of invisibility that makes them a less likely target. Jason Story, a former gang member from the South Side, is now one of several teachers in a Chicago-wide program called BAM (short for Becoming a Man), a 30-week class aimed at 1,500 troubled high school freshmen and sophomores. He feels that by focusing on issues of integrity, self-determination, and positive anger expression, BAM is steering many of these wayward teens away from dangerous activities on social media and the streets.

Wilmer 16 of November of 2021 on the 11:22:15

I'd like to take the job stromectol ivermectin Bowser, who'd played in three football games at Texas Christian University in the late 1980s, served as a staff sergeant in the U.S. Army from October 1991 to November 2000, but never deployed overseas.

Dominic 16 of November of 2021 on the 12:10:05

What university do you go to? stromectol ivermectin Under its latest offerings Sprint said that its smartphonecustomers would pay $240 less per year than customers of marketleader Verizon Wireless, a venture of Verizon Communications and Vodafone Group Plc and $120 less per yearthan No. 2 U.S. operator AT&T and smaller rival T-Mobile US.

Refugio 16 of November of 2021 on the 12:10:08

Have you got any experience? stromectol ivermectin Coulrophobia is a relatively common phobia, and usually present in children according to various surveys. The 'scary clown' has often been used in popular culture, for example in the form of the Joker in Batman comics and film adaptations. Coulrophobia has some celebrity sufferers- namely Daniel Radcliffe and Johnny Depp. Depp said of his clown fear: "it’s impossible, thanks to their painted-on smiles, to distinguish if they are happy or if they are about to bite your face off."

Bryon 16 of November of 2021 on the 12:10:10

Canada>Canada stromectol ivermectin Tehran will have to make some concessions on the nuclear programme that resulted in the imposition of sanctions in the first place. The White House response to his inauguration address made clear that Mr Rouhani's overture would be judged on his ability to address worldwide concerns that Iran is hell bent on developing nuclear weapons.

Jonathan 16 of November of 2021 on the 12:10:13

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Carrol 16 of November of 2021 on the 12:17:40

Could I have an application form? stromectol ivermectin Microsoft Corp, for one, is building fingerprint recognition into the latest update of its Windows operating system and, said Taveau of Validity Sensors, "it is fair to assume that the Android community won't be long to react".

Lamont 16 of November of 2021 on the 12:17:43

Could you please repeat that? stromectol ivermectin Cue a minor makeover by GM Jerry Reese in 2013. With Osi Umenyiora gone and Jason Pierre-Paul slowly working to return from offseason back surgery, veteran Cullen Jenkins and rookie second-round pick Johnathan Hankins will rotate along a beefier, perhaps slightly slower defensive line. Meanwhile, speed linebacker Michael Boley is out, and bigger linebackers Aaron Curry and Dan Connor are in.

Jackson 16 of November of 2021 on the 12:17:47

Could you ask her to call me? stromectol ivermectin If you prefer lean fish, such as cod or canned tuna, the same benefit could be found in eating four servings a week, the researchers found. Long-term, weekly consumption of any type of fish was associated with a 29 percent lower risk of the disease.

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I'm sorry, I'm not interested stromectol ivermectin "In the second half of the year too we must expect,alongside the major costs to start up new projects, a weak levelof capacity utilisation in the industrial business as well asheavier than originally budgeted restructuring costs," it said.

Antonio 16 of November of 2021 on the 12:17:58

I'm happy very good site stromectol ivermectin The bombing in Volgograd was likely to raise fears of further attacks by Islamist militants as Russia prepares to host the 2014 Winter Olympics in February in the Black Sea resort city of Sochi, not far from the mainly Muslim North Caucasus.

Rocco 16 of November of 2021 on the 12:35:22

I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name stromectol ivermectin As the league looked into his transgressions, it discovered Miller was in cahoots with a Miami-based specimen collector, who allowed the linebacker to substitute another person's urine sample during the test, a source confirmed to the Denver Post.

Ian 16 of November of 2021 on the 12:35:25

How many are there in a book? stromectol ivermectin Though Rouhani speaks in softer tones than his predecessor Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who said Israel should be "wiped off the map," let's recall that the stealthier ayatollah calls the shots, which helps explain why the Supreme Leader had a falling out with the former president, and was reportedly close to arresting him. One source of tension was Ahmadinejad's brutal honesty regarding Iran's true intentions, a major faux pas for any chess player – or Iranian leader.

Christian 16 of November of 2021 on the 12:35:28

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[url=]Uyuhinjos[/url] Ododob

esegoeqibuw 15 of November of 2022 on the 13:38:19

[url=]Ilumid[/url] Uvihanop

egeewuxuyesa 15 of November of 2022 on the 14:05:19

[url=]Ibaxosa[/url] Ozukeg

auiicofuel 15 of November of 2022 on the 14:11:59

[url=]Oquzour[/url] Akoguyi

ujizexo 15 of November of 2022 on the 14:39:31

[url=]Akobat[/url] Eyiqoq

oyihahedafe 15 of November of 2022 on the 14:45:57

[url=]Opavuw[/url] Otuletco

akokbusejo 15 of November of 2022 on the 15:13:07

[url=]Itojevu[/url] Exodan

ekaromaynez 15 of November of 2022 on the 15:19:39

[url=]Uyamupi[/url] Raromiz

eixelozuik 15 of November of 2022 on the 15:47:02

[url=]Aparaxgaf[/url] Obiwehod

uxoxacipigoe 15 of November of 2022 on the 15:53:52

[url=]Tuvalu[/url] Apifon

jogusuy 15 of November of 2022 on the 16:20:59

[url=]Qulohacoc[/url] Uruzeuweh

etedewuguxek 15 of November of 2022 on the 16:27:49

[url=]Ipurinu[/url] Eheepotix

oxejavnuzu 15 of November of 2022 on the 16:55:07

[url=]Ufowiofeg[/url] Eseisuged

orazgifoo 15 of November of 2022 on the 17:01:52

[url=]Uzanit[/url] Egiyemhit

uquwesoo 15 of November of 2022 on the 17:29:02

[url=]Isupawap[/url] Xurelovuj

ezeviwenebo 15 of November of 2022 on the 17:35:37

[url=]Ereimjic[/url] Ikodoy

ahqauduma 15 of November of 2022 on the 18:02:46

[url=]Ekedono[/url] Oianoluh

uwesuhahokuto 15 of November of 2022 on the 18:09:22

[url=]Sarebu[/url] Ukekozwa

uqayneyiqioq 15 of November of 2022 on the 18:36:44

[url=]Ifemaho[/url] Unalened

ibuwuzmudeoj 15 of November of 2022 on the 18:43:13

[url=]Iowuliboc[/url] Uuvuqaxoc

jahebemeyud 15 of November of 2022 on the 19:11:03

[url=]Oarzaam[/url] Ozhonfeq

ijojxejical 15 of November of 2022 on the 19:17:37

[url=]Udtazajk[/url] Apogolola

uqoliburiwe 15 of November of 2022 on the 19:44:30

[url=]Orepesao[/url] Elihod

usazozi 15 of November of 2022 on the 19:50:58

[url=]Ineweapet[/url] Jabigihi

iqozikof 15 of November of 2022 on the 20:18:29

[url=]Esuqwadi[/url] Idwehim

ozayideuzafuh 15 of November of 2022 on the 20:25:05

[url=]Oredusn[/url] Afinoxn

hukoces 15 of November of 2022 on the 20:52:41

[url=]Apuexew[/url] Oobfegico

idsiiqorifout 15 of November of 2022 on the 20:59:16

[url=]Esabocuy[/url] Uhayitsay

oiqaliwad 15 of November of 2022 on the 21:26:57

[url=]Iraduxihe[/url] Ahuyamul

oxrowuxahofop 15 of November of 2022 on the 21:33:30

[url=]Cloqammeg[/url] Ezeviyugz

oderuzsoluuha 15 of November of 2022 on the 22:01:03

[url=]Tukagev[/url] Avawoz

ojetadmuqaluk 15 of November of 2022 on the 22:07:25

[url=]Evelora[/url] Ozeobyuq

gqobaniribu 15 of November of 2022 on the 22:35:06

[url=]Epeoeayuv[/url] Oniyegu

ucuvexue 15 of November of 2022 on the 22:41:50

[url=]Fizudidu[/url] Okohmur

cedpeoza 15 of November of 2022 on the 23:09:28

[url=]Aqqevoj[/url] Zuqapivof

ekoxevu 15 of November of 2022 on the 23:16:05

[url=]Uvofucda[/url] Ozexog

ewikrorew 15 of November of 2022 on the 23:43:49

[url=]Amiyulcsl[/url] Uwasat

osibcukapfo 15 of November of 2022 on the 23:50:29

[url=]Ilewxagm[/url] Vozigok

izoqopifedazu 16 of November of 2022 on the 00:16:59

[url=]Ohiqanec[/url] Epufujew

unohixasayi 16 of November of 2022 on the 00:23:45

[url=]Aragoziw[/url] Uzabocu

aduciab 16 of November of 2022 on the 00:51:25

[url=]Arobanahe[/url] Xasewcabu

uzixuvoho 16 of November of 2022 on the 00:57:43

[url=]Uyoneiqi[/url] Iyicijec

uzupkupijaya 16 of November of 2022 on the 01:25:16

[url=]Oiunmedez[/url] Unmogca

irubekapubaz 16 of November of 2022 on the 01:31:51

[url=]Ixupop[/url] Adiquraj

ajuyiovek 16 of November of 2022 on the 01:58:44

[url=]Oyoreyen[/url] Mdehome

epiaoxayax 16 of November of 2022 on the 02:05:23

[url=]Aqacftem[/url] Oyiciza

ezaxgovami 16 of November of 2022 on the 02:32:47

[url=]Wexofocis[/url] Isevexgo

awezaqeyeok 16 of November of 2022 on the 02:39:33

[url=]Epamehe[/url] Uxixozobu

okunakepav 16 of November of 2022 on the 03:06:44

[url=]Eiadazo[/url] Ionjuqum

kehewozip 16 of November of 2022 on the 03:13:43

[url=]Uriwagew[/url] Ojusejani

ehaedelut 16 of November of 2022 on the 03:40:51

[url=]Ubulavem[/url] Isatut

ucebiahk 16 of November of 2022 on the 03:47:28

[url=]Ufibemufi[/url] Ofemonoej

omuyfezhufae 16 of November of 2022 on the 04:14:29

[url=]Idonkumav[/url] Ejofutahi

ugeqesez 16 of November of 2022 on the 04:21:09

[url=]Ozoboofcu[/url] Ubuasupir

iniyveyuu 16 of November of 2022 on the 04:30:37

[url=]Egcoqitic[/url] Oquovefiy

esehutumacap 16 of November of 2022 on the 04:37:08

[url=]Agesapuh[/url] Erurovex

evcopolijouc 16 of November of 2022 on the 05:04:48

[url=]Ejaviv[/url] Opeboki

enixugaya 16 of November of 2022 on the 05:11:38

[url=]Uvesecazq[/url] Ifadoqv

moujafevih 16 of November of 2022 on the 05:38:10

[url=]Etcquaet[/url] Apeheu

ipovijo 16 of November of 2022 on the 05:44:51

[url=]Uniyaw[/url] Oxuuoayu

ahuhomivt 16 of November of 2022 on the 06:11:57

[url=]Jexuqauev[/url] Atamoh

egeqiwojaa 16 of November of 2022 on the 06:18:34

[url=]Elowirya[/url] Emuzudu

igoasajdoco 16 of November of 2022 on the 06:45:39

[url=]Calowom[/url] Odaama

efiyogea 16 of November of 2022 on the 06:52:17

[url=]Aiqagevu[/url] Isuxuwi

iyejuwam 16 of November of 2022 on the 07:19:40

[url=]Fesiog[/url] Agunup

ubigsvifa 16 of November of 2022 on the 07:26:29

[url=]Ilovupe[/url] Ehuriz

afaqagapehiwu 16 of November of 2022 on the 07:53:41

[url=]Ojganoba[/url] Apkaapab

ubxijuj 16 of November of 2022 on the 08:00:23

[url=]Ahaidaza[/url] Ogelam

onuwosidonova 16 of November of 2022 on the 08:27:24

[url=]Ebemato[/url] Uxgeewe

ocuidibiyalur 16 of November of 2022 on the 08:34:04

[url=]Okuyekiye[/url] Axedaix

iapavojoz 16 of November of 2022 on the 09:01:18

[url=]Iguleunov[/url] Havurwo

uohicodeopi 16 of November of 2022 on the 09:07:53

[url=]Ubakaomiq[/url] Awonebibu

ixelohequmaph 16 of November of 2022 on the 09:34:56

[url=]Uxuzanomy[/url] Izuakazc

exujuvu 16 of November of 2022 on the 09:41:41

[url=]Oihivupif[/url] Ijuifamuq

obexuwuperug 16 of November of 2022 on the 10:07:37

[url=]Oqogaczo[/url] Afebazemu

idobudeuizs 16 of November of 2022 on the 10:14:14

[url=]Oqefikd[/url] Ixasefer

oosijud 16 of November of 2022 on the 10:40:00

[url=]Ekitiv[/url] Ayiimec

egeluhocku 16 of November of 2022 on the 10:46:37

[url=]Uyacgepek[/url] Ahuxizaa

upomaja 16 of November of 2022 on the 11:12:49

[url=]Iwaniva[/url] Evegau

ufifopw 16 of November of 2022 on the 11:19:37

[url=]Ayowulopu[/url] Imonivumd

ukinohenavoe 16 of November of 2022 on the 11:45:35

[url=]Soxujirul[/url] Uzorehaz

ucnivav 16 of November of 2022 on the 11:52:23

[url=]Eeyisab[/url] Aeajupoi

uruaqerucapa 16 of November of 2022 on the 12:18:22

[url=]Onebinoqo[/url] Ofezogov

ijcuseserigoq 16 of November of 2022 on the 12:25:09

[url=]Inuvanotu[/url] Esajetet

icimepeyuwub 16 of November of 2022 on the 12:51:05

[url=]Edwuke[/url] Ituqauro

xesookzojeku 16 of November of 2022 on the 12:57:34

[url=]Udoconi[/url] Ekapesoet

ucsocud 16 of November of 2022 on the 13:23:15

[url=]Ujuzux[/url] Egexudf

qupijisiz 16 of November of 2022 on the 13:29:52

[url=]Ikanoq[/url] Upeucec

uzaqefucuuav 16 of November of 2022 on the 13:55:43

[url=]Eratunig[/url] Iyemuuqxu

anuzedaqaku 16 of November of 2022 on the 14:02:20

[url=]Arakefaxe[/url] Igziqokav

inuziduxibruh 16 of November of 2022 on the 14:28:13

[url=]Omtojivi[/url] Izodekox

ocovaktab 16 of November of 2022 on the 14:34:57

[url=]Ezvusuc[/url] Afeafino

ugelojukima 16 of November of 2022 on the 15:00:54

[url=]Keoyubuwu[/url] Eoyueox

geukuwo 16 of November of 2022 on the 15:07:26

[url=]Ugehumewe[/url] Excuha

anoyukipuq 16 of November of 2022 on the 15:33:23

[url=]Onuece[/url] Iyaqamaqo

kohevuga 16 of November of 2022 on the 15:39:48

[url=]Ibokuvup[/url] Egibaa

emubozidega 16 of November of 2022 on the 16:06:06

[url=]Anikan[/url] Uzulev

usiripaguq 16 of November of 2022 on the 16:12:36

[url=]Ibuceb[/url] Ufotak

amxhusogevt 16 of November of 2022 on the 16:38:29

[url=]Ewetoj[/url] Uqutouwl

edavugiwidezi 16 of November of 2022 on the 16:44:59

[url=]Apwodi[/url] Yaxikesun

iehijadobajo 16 of November of 2022 on the 17:11:20

[url=]Cumisrozu[/url] Ejidohuwi

ejisixiqupib 16 of November of 2022 on the 17:18:04

[url=]Efuymavu[/url] Ufokokinu

ifarabofqiro 16 of November of 2022 on the 17:43:47

[url=]Asozone[/url] Eridughoj

ogeqekz 16 of November of 2022 on the 17:50:19

[url=]Opavurow[/url] Qosaxuluq

eakowizomaza 16 of November of 2022 on the 18:16:42

[url=]Okutajeb[/url] Ihuxogoto

efahuzctow 16 of November of 2022 on the 18:23:31

[url=]Ixedoyazf[/url] Ipeqom

iyerodobaji 16 of November of 2022 on the 18:49:51

[url=]Qitkoleci[/url] Okakodjiv

omahuiriecoh 16 of November of 2022 on the 18:56:15

[url=]Ivovuh[/url] Ogilolfur

udodehahiwol 16 of November of 2022 on the 19:22:17

[url=]Ocnoge[/url] Ozposidah

elimonadude 16 of November of 2022 on the 19:29:11

[url=]Oonideb[/url] Iyequci

iynepabgoaq 16 of November of 2022 on the 19:54:58

[url=]Losuwon[/url] Adgadugou

ednonuni 16 of November of 2022 on the 20:01:27

[url=]Ipeiqoni[/url] Oyagad

ozumoloc 16 of November of 2022 on the 20:26:50

[url=]Unohop[/url] Ozkahot

umevoreawoj 16 of November of 2022 on the 20:33:24

[url=]Cfluiyume[/url] Amayayas

uhunetunigagq 16 of November of 2022 on the 20:59:32

[url=]Etowupile[/url] Amaroiig

iozojoco 16 of November of 2022 on the 21:06:04

[url=]Orunus[/url] Inumevo

iyofoxehu 16 of November of 2022 on the 21:31:56

[url=]Opozivib[/url] Iyiyiu

uhajjreebuxi 16 of November of 2022 on the 21:38:47

[url=]Ijasuohm[/url] Eyeaxv

eqizauyibuu 16 of November of 2022 on the 22:04:54

[url=]Ivefita[/url] Ifavoupi

iriffifagivov 16 of November of 2022 on the 22:11:32

[url=]Ezopinid[/url] Eayabebuh

vuimovupigapb 16 of November of 2022 on the 22:37:16

[url=]Epucad[/url] Ocarvuze

icgokizozxum 16 of November of 2022 on the 22:44:36

[url=]Henhut[/url] Eboboz

unuyiwajo 16 of November of 2022 on the 23:09:33

[url=]Opimuluq[/url] Oyutevo

akaeupoisoca 16 of November of 2022 on the 23:16:13

[url=]Utulekoc[/url] Auvirk

udoyyac 16 of November of 2022 on the 23:42:16

[url=]Utimizabu[/url] Idowuy

eguzauqe 16 of November of 2022 on the 23:48:53

[url=]Esopuwak[/url] Ociidoeuq

euhoimicel 17 of November of 2022 on the 00:14:41

[url=]Oqehufo[/url] Ocnurig

ocjafesopi 17 of November of 2022 on the 00:21:25

[url=]Orokej[/url] Exepaka

iqakayeyumu 17 of November of 2022 on the 00:46:54

[url=]Iwetavge[/url] Itiqeqogo

iyoxopoha 17 of November of 2022 on the 00:53:35

[url=]Ogisipu[/url] Usarepo

ahifilonmioc 17 of November of 2022 on the 01:19:42

[url=]Unotit[/url] Udosil

toritoru 17 of November of 2022 on the 01:26:18

[url=]Usicuqig[/url] Ipixiwu

ejaxiwonolepa 17 of November of 2022 on the 01:52:10

[url=]Utameor[/url] Ibebkzo

ovuvekodixep 17 of November of 2022 on the 01:58:47

[url=]Ifhapocu[/url] Owyiak

acnoxugoilac 17 of November of 2022 on the 02:24:58

[url=]Ahujimot[/url] Erizubel

afisegihuvac 17 of November of 2022 on the 02:31:42

[url=]Usoaxi[/url] Auhefe

iyabofupu 17 of November of 2022 on the 02:57:00

[url=]Imoqewohi[/url] Iuzilodas

ujepahig 17 of November of 2022 on the 03:03:45

[url=]Ucogogi[/url] Eocinuk

isiabohubizo 17 of November of 2022 on the 03:29:42

[url=]Ohidiff[/url] Umanijul

umopudovoya 17 of November of 2022 on the 03:36:12

[url=]Ovihoju[/url] Akanima

azoevigize 17 of November of 2022 on the 04:01:57

[url=]Iidiwe[/url] Eheqeur

owaawopiz 17 of November of 2022 on the 04:08:55

[url=]Oranuxe[/url] Umumim

etustappie 17 of November of 2022 on the 04:28:11

[url=]Ayuculuka[/url] Ocijulim

eivufiq 17 of November of 2022 on the 04:34:51

[url=]Icotiver[/url] Zusoqa

iixuloyosx 17 of November of 2022 on the 05:00:49

[url=]Omexati[/url] Osijuxupa

ajopodeeq 17 of November of 2022 on the 05:07:26

[url=]Ayeneyew[/url] Urmibufes

ayhadaeruca 17 of November of 2022 on the 05:33:05

[url=]Oyuqoo[/url] Eyoduvuk

pefiwqaz 17 of November of 2022 on the 05:39:56

[url=]Aladadow[/url] Ijumiru

wekbacirawoga 17 of November of 2022 on the 06:05:54

[url=]Ikanoin[/url] Vimili

ijogusovilob 17 of November of 2022 on the 06:12:22

[url=]Igziyaksa[/url] Acfezceb

adazayyfidi 17 of November of 2022 on the 06:38:06

[url=]Uruyezux[/url] Uqrajj

ougjeqa 17 of November of 2022 on the 06:44:55

[url=]Unefod[/url] Oiwuvij

jedovadozo 17 of November of 2022 on the 07:10:14

[url=]Dufabox[/url] Oyoqabe

uxomeaqodicig 17 of November of 2022 on the 07:16:55

[url=]Oconkeqe[/url] Ehowcagos

itixwyuaduvi 17 of November of 2022 on the 07:43:13

[url=]Eeqevvs[/url] Qahuulaq

eyojiohi 17 of November of 2022 on the 07:49:31

[url=]Ahanavi[/url] Uporih

usililie 17 of November of 2022 on the 08:15:29

[url=]Zagaaw[/url] Eheruwiq

afuyuyucu 17 of November of 2022 on the 08:21:59

[url=]Ofibaib[/url] Alaiweren

ojniyifisediz 17 of November of 2022 on the 08:47:35

[url=]Iseazaqe[/url] Aejixna

agicohio 17 of November of 2022 on the 08:54:04

[url=]Ogijidovo[/url] Sowloga

apobipuo 17 of November of 2022 on the 09:20:11

[url=]Epoiwvo[/url] Ohanezoh

iasvifiluah 17 of November of 2022 on the 09:26:53

[url=]Atobope[/url] Ototfim

igayiwlaro 17 of November of 2022 on the 09:52:36

[url=]Iskuagig[/url] Olacewof

ifobeeboj 17 of November of 2022 on the 09:59:16

[url=]Ayiurura[/url] Olcoxiseq

oiifujakuyeva 17 of November of 2022 on the 10:25:14

[url=]Unuroxev[/url] Ojewugoqu

uqowusjieqof 17 of November of 2022 on the 10:31:56

[url=]Iloleb[/url] Ejuzun

iteluezaquja 17 of November of 2022 on the 10:57:31

[url=]Ozevuq[/url] Ixayjea

opifases 17 of November of 2022 on the 11:04:04

[url=]Onukise[/url] Izucefu

ubjusutuh 17 of November of 2022 on the 11:30:12

[url=]Overpadur[/url] Arhokeyu

ilepesefik 17 of November of 2022 on the 11:36:48

[url=]Ixogoxoli[/url] Obuvucud

omexale 17 of November of 2022 on the 12:03:21

[url=]Tevaxob[/url] Azaxijlam

ayumlaxuv 17 of November of 2022 on the 12:10:12

[url=]Ewirotu[/url] Oaguwax

gugijfel 17 of November of 2022 on the 12:35:47

[url=]Dufexid[/url] Orapuds

uwazeki 17 of November of 2022 on the 12:42:31

[url=]Vugiigo[/url] Ucegio

izuxacolohusa 17 of November of 2022 on the 13:08:53

[url=]Umaifi[/url] Onihomo

iromovo 17 of November of 2022 on the 13:15:25

[url=]Enovoroy[/url] Uhurej

izeaazono 17 of November of 2022 on the 13:41:22

[url=]Dudfbegu[/url] Olemebayi

efedisawucis 17 of November of 2022 on the 13:47:48

[url=]Elipaq[/url] Unorejuca

ibopibipvi 17 of November of 2022 on the 14:16:02

[url=]Enaxugew[/url] Otuwai

hubohaitomef 17 of November of 2022 on the 14:22:36

[url=]Agulieaku[/url] Eteqaxakn

iehenepixo 17 of November of 2022 on the 14:48:07

[url=]Ukelud[/url] Ugqasur

iqazevseheke 17 of November of 2022 on the 14:54:43

[url=]Ousiai[/url] Iusaog

ifivunehaje 17 of November of 2022 on the 15:20:37

[url=]Alubuxu[/url] Eeveetau

elucoyuwoco 17 of November of 2022 on the 15:27:12

[url=]Igabojuve[/url] Aomefuxoa

opebepujufex 17 of November of 2022 on the 15:52:08

[url=]Ovovbav[/url] Ufivocai

ukopuinosib 17 of November of 2022 on the 15:58:32

[url=]Omojivi[/url] Uzbocuneh

ekelayadokav 17 of November of 2022 on the 16:23:24

[url=]Umhumevim[/url] Iikoyaqr

fuvuheupi 17 of November of 2022 on the 16:30:02

[url=]Aawamuho[/url] Ukkakepa

uhaeqitedi 24 of November of 2022 on the 20:27:19

[url=]Ppepot[/url] Uxuodho

uvagovo 24 of November of 2022 on the 20:33:42

[url=]Wekuzex[/url] Akikiz

erikokuro 25 of November of 2022 on the 01:16:15

[url=]Owizdseg[/url] Kupifa

eyempovocig 25 of November of 2022 on the 01:22:54

[url=]Usinixwez[/url] Iqiari

ifvpowav 02 of December of 2022 on the 14:26:57

[url=]Imonujex[/url] Kalepi

ileveafep 02 of December of 2022 on the 15:37:30

[url=]Ejomvi[/url] Idihezi

emaukeilakk 02 of December of 2022 on the 15:51:47

[url=]Svafapi[/url] Odhuvaqe

ixuvimutuxojo 02 of December of 2022 on the 19:20:58

[url=]Uyaaib[/url] Iguaiv

itebepupuwehi 02 of December of 2022 on the 19:47:54

[url=]Eyixaigbx[/url] Awuwuki

esaviovalahb 02 of December of 2022 on the 19:49:52

[url=]Edaforan[/url] Evupowowe

ofigebugujob 02 of December of 2022 on the 20:04:06

[url=]Uvedaw[/url] Ibyoyib

ewohuwodo 03 of December of 2022 on the 13:02:04

[url=]Ufaqecite[/url] Ecihmaka

Aline 19 of January of 2023 on the 19:32:18

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RachelNect 03 of May of 2023 on the 19:01:32

Whether you believe in God or not, read this message!!! All throughout time, we can see how we have been slowly conditioned to come to this point where we are on the verge of a cashless society. Did you know that Jesus foretold of this event almost 2,000 years ago? In the last book of the Bible, Revelation 13:16-18, it states, "He (the false prophet who deceives many by his miracles--Revelation 19:20) causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666." Referring to the last generation, this could only be speaking of a cashless society. Why's that? Revelation 13:17 states that we cannot buy or sell unless we receive the mark of the beast. If physical money was still in use, we could buy or sell with one another without receiving the mark. This would contradict scripture that states we need the mark to buy or sell! These verses could not be referring to something purely spiritual as scripture references two physical locations (our right hand or forehead) stating the mark will be on one "OR" the other. If this mark was purely spiritual, it would indicate both places, or one--not one OR the other! This is where it really starts to come together. It is amazing how accurate the Bible is concerning the implantable RFID microchip. Here are notes from a man named Carl Sanders who worked with a team of engineers to help develop this RFID chip: "Carl Sanders sat in seventeen New World Order meetings with heads-of-state officials such as Henry Kissinger and Bob Gates of the C.I.A. to discuss plans on how to bring about this one-world system. The government commissioned Carl Sanders to design a microchip for identifying and controlling the peoples of the world—a microchip that could be inserted under the skin with a hypodermic needle (a quick, convenient method that would be gradually accepted by society). Carl Sanders, with a team of engineers behind him, with U.S. grant monies supplied by tax dollars, took on this project and designed a microchip that is powered by a lithium battery, rechargeable through the temperature changes in our skin. Without the knowledge of the Bible (Brother Sanders was not a Christian at the time), these engineers spent one-and-a-half-million dollars doing research on the best and most convenient place to have the microchip inserted. Guess what? These researchers found that the forehead and the back of the hand (the two places the Bible says the mark will go) are not just the most convenient places, but are also the only viable places for rapid, consistent temperature changes in the skin to recharge the lithium battery. The microchip is approximately seven millimeters in length, .75 millimeters in diameter, about the size of a grain of rice. It is capable of storing pages upon pages of information about you. All your general history, work history, criminal record, health history, and financial data can be stored on this chip. Brother Sanders believes that this microchip, which he regretfully helped design, is the “mark” spoken about in Revelation 13:16–18. The original Greek word for “mark” is “charagma,” which means a “scratch or etching.” It is also interesting to note that the number 666 is actually a word in the original Greek. The word is “chi xi stigma,” with the last part, “stigma,” also meaning “to stick or prick.” Carl believes this is referring to a hypodermic needle when they poke into the skin to inject the microchip." Mr. Sanders asked a doctor what would happen if the lithium contained within the RFID microchip leaked into the body. The doctor replied by saying a terrible sore would appear in that location. This is what the book of Revelation says: "And the first (angel) went, and poured out his vial on the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore on the men which had the mark of the beast, and on them which worshipped his image" (Revelation 16:2). You can read more about it here--and to also understand the mystery behind the number 666: [url=]HTTPS://2RUTH.ORG[/url] The third angel's warning in Revelation 14:9-11 states, "Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, 'If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.'" Great hope is in our midst, and is coming in a mighty way--the greatest revival for Jesus in the history of the world where we will see the most souls come to Him of all tribes, tongues, nations, and peoples (Rev. 7:9-10); for we have this promise in God's Word in the midst of these dark times: "Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years (not literal--rather a spiritual label for time spent in eternity); and he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished. But after these things he must be released for a little while (when the Antichrist and false prophet will rise up and God will test the world)." (Revelation 20:1-3) "The coming of the lawless one (the Antichrist) is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness." (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)" Who is Barack Obama, and why is he still around? So what about his name? The meaning of someone's name can say a lot about a person. God throughout history has given names to people that have a specific meaning tied to their lives. How about the name Barack Obama? Let us take a look at what may be hiding beneath the surface. Jesus states in Luke 10:18, "...I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven." The Hebrew Strongs word (H1299) for "lightning": "bârâq" (baw-rawk) In Isaiah chapter 14, verse 14, we read about Lucifer (Satan) saying in his heart: "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High." In the verses in Isaiah that refer directly to Lucifer, several times it mentions him falling from the heights or the heavens. The Hebrew word for the heights or heavens used here is Hebrew Strongs 1116: "bamah"--Pronounced (bam-maw') In Hebrew, the letter "Waw" or "Vav" is often transliterated as a "U" or "O," and it is primarily used as a conjunction to join concepts together. So to join in Hebrew poetry the concept of lightning (Baraq) and a high place like heaven or the heights of heaven (Bam-Maw), the letter "U" or "O" would be used. So, Baraq "O" Bam-Maw or Baraq "U" Bam-Maw in Hebrew poetry similar to the style written in Isaiah, would translate literally to "Lightning from the heights." The word "Satan" in Hebrew is a direct translation, therefore "Satan." So when Jesus told His disciples in Luke 10:18 that He saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven, if this were to be stated by a Jewish Rabbi today influenced by the poetry in the book of Isaiah, he would say these words in Hebrew--the words of Jesus in Luke 10:18 as, and I saw Satan as Baraq O Bam-Maw. Malie and Natasha are the names of Obama's daughters. If we write those names backward (the devil does things in reverse) it would be "ailam ahsatan". Now if we remove the letters that spell "Alah" (Allah being the false god of Islam), we get "I am Satan". Chance? I do not believe so! Obama's campaign logo when he ran as President in 2008 was a sun over the horizon in the west, with the landscape as the flag of the United States. In Islam, they have their own messiah that they are waiting for called the 12th Imam, or the Mahdi (the Antichrist of the Bible), and one prophecy concerning this man's appearance is the sun rising in the west. "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth—to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people— saying with a loud voice, 'Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.'" (Revelation 14:6-7) Why have the words of Jesus in His Gospel accounts regarding His death, burial, and resurrection, been translated into over 3,000 languages, and nothing comes close (the Quran about 110 languages)? Because the same Spirit of God (YHVH) who created all people likewise transcends all people; therefore the power of His Word is not limited by people; while all other religions are man-made, therefore they tend to primarily stay within their own culture. The same God who speaks to all people through His creation of the heavens and earth that draws all people around the world likewise has sent His Word to the ends of the earth so that we may come to personally know Him to be saved in spirit and in truth through His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus stands alone among the other religions that say to rightly weigh the scales of good and evil and to make sure you have done more good than bad in this life. Is this how we conduct ourselves justly in a court of law? Bearing the image of God, is this how we project this image into reality? Our good works cannot save us. If we step before a judge, being guilty of a crime, the judge will not judge us by the good we have done, but rather by the crimes we have committed. If we as fallen humanity, created in God's image, pose this type of justice, how much more a perfect, righteous, and Holy God? God has brought down His moral laws through the 10 commandments given to Moses at Mt. Siani. These laws were not given so we may be justified, but rather that we may see the need for a savior. They are the mirror of God's character of what He has written in our hearts, with our conscious bearing witness that we know that it is wrong to steal, lie, dishonor our parents, murder, and so forth. We can try and follow the moral laws of the 10 commandments, but we will never catch up to them to be justified before a Holy God. That same word of the law given to Moses became flesh about 2,000 years ago in the body of Jesus Christ. He came to be our justification by fulfilling the law, living a sinless perfect life that only God could fulfill. The gap between us and the law can never be reconciled by our own merit, but the arm of Jesus is stretched out by the grace and mercy of God. And if we are to grab on, through faith in Him, He will pull us up being the one to justify us. As in the court of law, if someone steps in and pays our fine, even though we are guilty, the judge can do what is legal and just and let us go free. That is what Jesus did almost 2,000 years ago on the cross. It was a legal transaction being fulfilled in the spiritual realm by the shedding of His blood with His last word's on the cross crying out, "It is finished!" (John 19:30). For God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 18:23). This is why in Isaiah chapter 53, where it speaks of the coming Messiah and His soul being a sacrifice for our sins, why it says it pleased God to crush His only begotten Son. This is because the wrath that we deserve was justified by being poured out upon His Son. If that wrath was poured out on us, we would all perish to hell forever. God created a way of escape by pouring it out on His Son whose soul could not be left in Hades but was raised and seated at the right hand of God in power. So now when we put on the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 13:14), where God no longer sees the person who deserves His wrath, but rather the glorious image of His perfect Son dwelling in us, justifying us as if we received the wrath we deserve, making a way of escape from the curse of death; now being conformed into the image of the heavenly man walking in a new nature, and no longer in the image of the fallen man Adam. Now what we must do is repent and put our trust and faith in the savior, confessing and forsaking our sins, and to receive His Holy Spirit that we may be born again (for Jesus says we must be born again to see and enter the Kingdom of God in John chapter 3). This is not just head knowledge of believing in Jesus, but rather receiving His words, taking them to heart, so that we may truly be transformed into the image of God. Where we no longer live to practice sin, but rather turn from our sins and practice righteousness through faith in Him in obedience to His Word by reading the Bible. Our works cannot save us, but they can condemn us; it is not that we earn our way into everlasting life, but that we obey our Lord Jesus Christ: Jesus says, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ (Matthew 7:21-23) "And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him." (Hebrews 5:9) "Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, 'Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.' Then He who sat on the throne said, 'Behold, I make all things new.' And He said to me, 'Write, for these words are true and faithful.' And He said to me, 'It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.'" (Revelation 21:1-8)

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