No se encuentra _mod


 The Faceplate mounting accessories are structured networks that are used in conjunction with the Keystone.

These accessories will put the Keystone and boxes are installed on the walls, so the points of network are located naturally in space installed on the wall and finished with stylish and esthetic.

This product is made with the finest materials and a process detail overseen to ensure quality. 

Jhon 01 of December of 2010 on the 10:39:41

Que distancia puedo cubrir con esta antena?

3bumen 10 of December of 2010 on the 08:44:05

Utilizando 2 antenas de la misma referencia, una que emite y otra que recibe, entre 7.000 mts y 10.000 mts. Recuerda que la potencia es de 1w, y una estacion de radio fuciona con 8w.

3bumen 10 of December of 2010 on the 08:44:46

Una Sola antena con linea de vista te puede cubrir unos 4.000 mts. 4Km

Ivan Ibarra 11 of December of 2010 on the 08:35:41

cuando hay obstaculos como arboles, pocos 3 arboles de intermedio,,..y una distancia entre las dos equipos de 200m. sera que la señal llega aceptable....?

Sergio 11 of December of 2010 on the 13:45:34

Deberia ser, los arboles no generar tanta interferencia para la señal, lo que mas puede causar problemas son edificios por su concreto y el acero de sus estructuras ypostes con transformadores electricos. Con esa distancia que tienes debe llegar la señal

yop 13 of December of 2010 on the 21:49:10

se puee colocar para que cada usuarip tenga su clave

3bumen Team 18 of December of 2010 on the 10:19:16

No entiendo muy bien tu pregunta yop, se puede poner clave a cada red inalambrica, o utilizar otros metodos de identificacion como WPS pin que te da una clave para cada usuario.

CarlosM 03 of January of 2011 on the 00:44:09

Buen dia, habra forma de reempazar las antenas de 12 dbi por unas sectoriales por ejm o por algunas de mas capacidad para un WISP. saludos y gracias.

3bumen Team 05 of January of 2011 on the 19:47:49

Teoricamente es posible, los equipos no estan diseñados fisicamente para esto especialmente por la salida del cable, recuerda que estos equipos tienen doble antena, tecnologia N que en teoria nos permite un mejor alcance.

Usuario_Bogota 16 of February of 2011 on the 12:08:56

¿Este dispositivo lo puedo usar para cubrir tres pisos?, es para una casa que tiene 12 metros por 7 metros de ancho y 3 pisos de alto, el primer piso y el segundo son de oficinas. La idea es instalarlo en el tercer piso que es Semicubierto, porque en unilago ?centro comercial de computadores de Bogotá? me advirtieron que era para uso externo por que la potencia era perjudicial para la salud de las personas. ¿Si me funcionaria o no?, o para mis necesidades es mejor el ?ROUTER N DE ALTA POTENCIA 1000mW Ref: Rompemuros??.

3bumen Team 16 of February of 2011 on the 13:29:52

Es mucho mas perjudicial la exposicion al celular que a estos equipos, La Atomic Air utiliza antena Direccional, el router Rompemuros Omnidireccional, La atomic la instalas frente a tu objetivo el rompemuros al centro. Con la Atomic Air puedes irradiar por ejemplo un condominio o conectar 2 puentos a unos 5 Kilometros (Esta distancia si utilizas 2 Atomic Air), En redes inalambricas no hay una formula matematica, pues la composicion de los muros y el entorno son diferentes en cada caso. Te recomendaria para tu entorno probar con un router rompemuros hubicado en un lugar central, depronto una ventana o un espacio que comunique los 3 pisos y si no cubres todo el espacio, adicionar un segundo equipo. La antena al ser direccional deberias instalarla en un edificio o casa al frente de tu objetivo. Cualquier otra duda, la atenderemos con la mayor prontitud.

Richard Cali 23 of February of 2011 on the 16:44:54

hola, ¿que chip maneja la antena 3bumen de 1000mW? gracias por su atención.

Usuario_Bogota 27 of February of 2011 on the 09:50:05

ok Gracias, luego les cuento como me fue.

jose piza 19 of March of 2011 on the 22:55:33

cuanto cuesta esta antena

Bruneta 20 of March of 2011 on the 13:30:04

El chip que utiliza es Realtek, he leido que es muy superior a Ralink que tienen las ubiquiti, o Atheros. En mercado libre la vi en $279.000 con muy buenos comentarios de los compradores, me voy a comprar 2 que necesito la preguntare el martes en Monterrey aqui aparece un distribuidor en Medellin. Mirala aqui Si alguien ha configurado redes MESH en Colombia por favor escribame que estaoy muy engomada con el cuento, [email protected]

Jorge 25 of March of 2011 on the 15:03:19

Necesito el manual para instalarlo. Tengo una sala de sistemas en un colegio con internet gracias a una antena de une con su poe y lo distribuyo con un switch. Como debo conectar el aparato para armar la red inalambrica?

fasi 25 of March of 2011 on the 15:55:20

jorge. la instalación es fácil conecta al puerto WAN uno de los cables que salen del switch con el que repartes el servicio. la alimentación es POE. entra al set-up de la antena y configura tu red inalambrica con las seguridades que desees

Elkin Alvarez 14 of June of 2011 on the 08:58:44

Dos preguntas: 1. a que distancia de la antena puedo ubicar el adaptador poe? 2. Tengo un router principal, acabo de comprar 2 antenas Atomic air y la idea es que la primera antena reciba la señal de internet por cable utp y reparta la señal de la red de manera inalambrica. La se gunda antena estará ubicada a unos 100mts de distancia con linea de vista y deseo que esta antena me reciba la señal de manera inalambrica y popderla bajar a un swith por cable donde me alimente otros equipos. Es importante tener en cuenta que se maneje el mismo segmento de red. Deseo asesoria en este proceso ya que llevo dos semanas con lo siguiente: la primera antena la instalé como AP y la segunda antena la trato de configurar como modo cliente pero no he podido lograr el enlace. Si hay algún número telefónico donde me pueda comunicar le agradezco me lo facilite, mi correo es [email protected].

VERGARA 27 of June of 2011 on the 03:30:12


DANIEL 27 of June of 2011 on the 12:33:30

en donde lo puedo comoprar en santa marta colombia ??? en que parte???

[email protected] 28 of June of 2011 on the 09:51:58

vergara depende de tus requerimiento. el atomic te da mas alcance en un sentido ya que es direccional, el rompemuros te da una mejor cobertura al rededor de el ya que es omnidireccional. cualquiera de nuestras soluciones te daran una mejor cobertura que los demas dispositivos del mercado.

[email protected] 28 of June of 2011 on the 09:54:56

daniel en la costa norte de colombia te puedes comunicar al 57-XX5-3419999 este es un distibuidor mayorista.

electrosistem 15 of July of 2011 on the 22:00:52

cual es el alcance real en espacio abierto

[email protected] 18 of July of 2011 on the 14:40:28

electrosistem, el alcance de la antena esta entre 4500 y 5000 metros en linea vista en condiciones optimas.

johann prieto 25 of July of 2011 on the 21:48:03

el atomic"es una muy buena opcion para redes inalambricas a grandes distancias pero hay q tener bien presente q este opera de frente a 45 grados de radiofrecuencia maximo en linea de vista hasta 5 km de distancia y para mejores resultados ojala y no existan obstaculos muy robustos como muros de (concreto,paredes blindadas u objetos por el estilo q puedan perjudicar el 100% de rendimiento de este super dispositivo . es muy bueno se los recomiendo !! yo trabajo con FASTEC DE COLOMBIA DISTRIBUIDOR AUTORIZADO A NIVEL NACIONAL.

daniel 15 of August of 2011 on the 10:14:25

buenos dias sera posible que si le pongo antenas de 24dbi alcance los 10km de distancia ???

rauldavid4 15 of September of 2011 on the 20:26:48

Hola compre 15 3bumen 12 rompe muro y 3 Atomic Air, pero e tenido inconveniente en la configuracion WDS de los tres ultimos hago la configuracion y al rato todo se cae, lo que quiero es hacer unos enlaces entre los tres Atomic uno queda como principal y los otros dos como AP+WDS, para unir 3 edificios.

Wireless 03 of October of 2011 on the 14:20:52

Existen de estas mismas antenas pero en otra banda que no sea la 2.4 Ghz, necesito en otra banda libre pero que no este tan saturada.

Oscar 11 of October of 2011 on the 21:58:10

Hola a tod@s. Alguien me puede indicar donde descargar la actualización de firmware del equipo Atomic Air? en la página no encuentro el archivo y Dr.Google tampoco me pudo ayudar... gracias.

Juan Pablo 18 of October of 2011 on the 03:43:50

Hola, tengo una pregunta, si me situó en el lado opuesto al Atomic Air, es decir lo pongo en un punto mirando hacia el Norte y me desplazo hacia el Sur, que rango de cobertura tengo sin obstáculos, ni interferencias?, quedo atento a la respuesta! Gracias.

raoulo 08 of November of 2011 on the 13:42:14

Tengo problemas con el ROUTER N DE ALTA POTENCIA 1000mW Ref: Rompemuros, ya que etse esta perdiendo las conexiones y me hace perder las descargas, ya se probo directamente el internet y este esta funcionando bien. debo actualizar el firmware y donde lo descargo. muchas gracias.

HRS 09 of November of 2011 on the 22:27:15

Hola en la ficha tecnica dice que tiene los Modos de Operacion: Router, Access Point, Cliente Inalambrico, Repetidor Inalambrico, WDS o MESH. a que se refiere exactamente con Cliente Inalambrico ¿puedo usarlo como una tarjeta de red para conectarlo con un router de otra marca? gracias por su respuesta

LuchoNet 09 of November of 2011 on the 23:50:53

Exacto, y funciona de Maravilla.

jorge g 23 of November of 2011 on the 02:52:17

esta antena sirve como la cazadora, como configuro la configuro como acces point

LuchoNet 23 of November of 2011 on the 10:00:18

Te recomiendo este video

jorge e. g 23 of November of 2011 on the 22:57:36

no tengo conexion a internet, por eso es que necesito configurar la atomic air para recibir conexion de internet de otra red iihalambrica, como se configura

electrosistem 28 of January of 2012 on the 08:16:17

necesito hacer un enlace que esta aproximadamente a 2500 mts, la pregunta es la siguiente yo puedo instalar el atomic-air y en el otro extremo conectarme directamente a un Pc, ó debo recibir la señal con otro equipo Atomic-air?

electrosistem 28 of January of 2012 on the 08:16:25

necesito hacer un enlace que esta aproximadamente a 2500 mts, la pregunta es la siguiente yo puedo instalar el atomic-air y en el otro extremo conectarme directamente a un Pc, ó debo recibir la señal con otro equipo Atomic-air?

Carlos 31 of January of 2012 on the 11:06:46

Realice un enlace de aproximadamente 200 metros, necesito saber porque las antenas al conectarla al router que tengo se me cae el internet, este router me maneja 70 computadores

microtelcartago 01 of February of 2012 on the 22:03:48

Hola tengo un problema, luego de hacer unas pruebas y tenerlo trabajando correctamente lo llevé al sitio donde deberia quedar operando el rompemuros 2T2R 1000 mW,pero necesitaba resetearlo para confirgurarlo con los datos de la nueva red, al terminar solo me asigna direccion IP y mascara de subred pero no me asigna puerta de enlace conectando mi pc a uno de los puertos lan y al digitar en mi navegador me aparece emergency web server examinr upload , que debo hacer?

microtelcartago 01 of February of 2012 on the 22:05:32

correcion: la ip que me asigna es la

jose 17 of February of 2012 on the 20:01:56

tengo una distancia de unos 500 metros para llevar la señal de Internet que antena me pueden recomendar gracis

CAMM 28 of February of 2012 on the 21:05:07

Buenas noches. Compre el router el viernes pero no he podido hacerlo funcionar. Tengo internet de UNE en Medellin, con ip dinamica, un modem router CISCO DCP2325 con WIFI. Ya intente con las tres configuraciones y en modo gateway se muestra conectado pero no me deja navegar, en los otros modos no conecta.

MARIO 22 of March of 2012 on the 18:51:20

Cordial saludo En Cali donde puedo conseguirlo?

Oscar 14 of May of 2012 on the 17:07:03

que me recomiendas para un edificio de 2o pisos, donde colocare cámaras IP inalambricas en los elevadores y no se me caiga la señal

Miller 07 of June of 2012 on the 12:29:54

Buen dia; necesito 3 unidades donde puedo encontrarlo ?

antonioruiz 10 of June of 2012 on the 08:51:11

Cono es la instalacion de los cables para instalar el 3bumen atonic Air 1. cual cable va en LAN y cual va en WAN me pueden pasar un tutorial para la configuracion de los cable primeramente

antioruiz 26 of June of 2012 on the 08:02:59

como puedo utilizar el 3bumen para tener acceso a navegar en redes wifi

nikolas 12 of September of 2012 on the 11:28:10

Buen día Deseo implementar una red wiffi en un edificio de 9 pisos de 30x20 mts puedo usar este equipo como AP para un promedio de de 20 usuarios x AP

Nevicker 22 of September of 2012 on the 10:25:07

Hola buenso dias me podrian informar si existe un nuemro telefonico a nivel nacional o una linea donde te den soporte o te aclaren las dudas presentadas fastec segun tengo entendido es la empresa en colombia que presta el soporte peor aveces se quedan cortos en las preguntas qu uno realiza, este soporte es mas de primer nivel. Quien no spodria dar soporte sobre la configuracion de soluciones o interconexion de varios de estos dispositivos para compartir una WLAN crear una celda o una zona wi-fi

Nicmutis 22 of October of 2012 on the 23:01:03

Deseo un contacto 3bumen en norte de santander o hacerme distribuidor mi correo es [email protected] con respecto a este equipo deseo saber costos para un enlace de debo hacer.

jonathan 26 of October of 2012 on the 10:35:32

donde bajo el firmware del aotmic air, ya que realize filtro por url y las paginas siguen abriendo como si nada, como si no estuvieran bloqueadas entro de nuevo al atomic air desde iexlorer y todo sale ok pero nada ayuddaaa este es mi correo [email protected]

ximenitta 26 of October of 2012 on the 14:55:10

Para bloquear las páginas debemos ingresarlas con la dirección de web completa

danyael 12 of November of 2012 on the 21:55:28

hola deseo sabercuantos usuarios simultaneos soporta independientemente del ancho de banda que digamos es 100 megas cuantos usuarios fisicossoporta

ximenitta 16 of November of 2012 on the 08:33:05

Hola estos equipos pueden soportar mas de 150 usuarios también debemos tener en cuenta si realmente están llegando el ancho de banda deseado ya que esto también afectaría la transmisión de datos, recuerde que la gran mayoría de usuarios les gusta ver vídeos, escuchar música, películas en linea y esto es lo que se consume el ancho de banda sin contar el envió de archivos pesados

silvana 01 of January of 2013 on the 21:10:07

Hola a todos donde puedo conseguir el atomic air en bogotá ? lo estuve preguntando pero en ningún sitio me dan razón

lgutierrez 02 of January of 2013 on the 14:02:09

Hola Silvana puedes ingresar a la pagina y haces la compra en linea

ness 14 of February of 2013 on the 23:06:42

Tiene Filtro MAC?

YO 20 of February of 2013 on the 10:02:11

buenas, quien las distribuye en el suroccidente (Popayán)?, sugieren que se monte un servidor RADIUS para administrarlas o solo con sus características es suficiente? para una red MESH dentro de la ciudad me servirian (distancia maxima 600 mts aprox)?

WILMAR 18 of March of 2013 on the 23:13:35

donde puedo ubicar un distribuidor en la cuidad de cali - valle

yo 10 of April of 2013 on the 16:30:50

cuantos usuarios simultáneos me soporta esta antena, la tengo conectada a un mikrotik 450g, lei por ahi que hasta 150 sin problema, pero a mi con solo 20 ya no da mas...

Francisco 17 of April of 2013 on the 09:18:04

Definitavente no ha probado el atomic, Realtek es y a sido una de las marcas mas importantes en chips durante años, como podeis decir que malo?

Ing Botero 17 of April of 2013 on the 11:21:13

Cuantas direcciones ip es capas de administrar el rompemuros. conectar al rededor de 500 equipos. tengo un rompemuros y quisiera saber cuantos equipos puedo conectar a el ya que crear ap virtuales

Medina 02 of June of 2013 on the 15:34:21

Buen dia... yo tengo un atomic air, y las redes inalabrias trabajan muy bien pero mi pregunta es la siguiente: tengo un acer aspire v5-431 con tarjeta de red Qualcomm Atheros AR5BWB222 Wireless Network Adapter y con este Pc no puedo conectarme a ningua de las redes inalambricas de mi router atomic, consulte en la red y me an dicho q es por la version del driver q no me conecta a ninguna red pero baje todos las versiones existentes para esa tarjeta pero no tengo solucion, quiero saber si el atomic air no es compatible con esta tarjeta... Gracias x la atencion prestada y quedo atento a cualkier respuesta...

Medina 16 of June of 2013 on the 09:04:06

Buen dia. Estoy haciendo una red extendida con dos atomic air, pero cuando creo la red extendida y cuando configura: Habilitar Modo de Repetidor Universal (Actuando como AP Router y simultenamente como Cliente)ç, esta red no queda con seguridad y ya le asigne una clave en modo WPA2-AES, pero cualquier cliente se puede conectar sin necesidad d clave de acceso, Gracias y quedo atento a su respuesta.

alejob 03 of July of 2013 on the 17:37:08

Buen día, tengo un atomic air y la señal me presenta intermitencia mi pregunta el firma que hay disponible me puede solucionar este problema? de que fecha ese el firmware, y también quisiera saber de cuanto tiempo es la garantía de este equipo? Muchas Gracias.

manuel diaz 25 of July of 2013 on the 11:26:34

cordial saludo tengo un proyecto que es una camara en un asensor este recorre 25 pisos son alrededor de 80 metros de recorrido el air me cubriria esta distancia en el foso del asensor , como se comportaria en ambientes confinados

Elkin Quiñones A 02 of August of 2013 on the 09:39:51

Buenos dias, este radio no lo necesito para grandes distancias si no para buena cobertura. cual es el angulo de apertura de estas antenas directivas, y su rango de cobertura?.

Jorge 07 of August of 2013 on the 19:52:42

Tengo problemas con el router. En los equipos que conectan por inalambrica, se ve la red pero no da conectividad. Al conectar un equipo por cable, directamente al router, da conexion a internet. Que puedo hacer para recuperar la conexion inalambrica? Cordial saludo.

JR 18 of September of 2013 on the 22:50:44


luis diaz 17 of October of 2013 on the 15:41:58

buenas tardes, realize la compra de 2 atomic air para utilizarlos a intemperie, agradeceria si me brindaran instrucciones sobre la configuracion de este equipo en modo wds ya que es para ampliar el radio de operacion de una red wifi. la intencion es conectar 6 equipos en modo WDS

Medina 23 of October of 2013 on the 15:54:42

Buen dia. Tengo un problema con mi red extendida con un data phono no me da conectividad en el atomic air 2 q es el de la red extendida, pero con el 1 q es el principal si ay conectividad....

supergarra 09 of November of 2013 on the 20:50:32

este maneja filtro mac, para mayor seguridad, deseo cubrir un pueblo con internet, un pueblo de aprox 1.5 km largo x 1 km ancho

supergarra 11 of November of 2013 on the 20:50:56

don de lo puedo comprar,estoy en Colombia, pero lejos de Bogota, pero me gustaría una asesoria mas completa. mi cel 321 405 33 91

Luis 18 of November of 2013 on the 15:45:43

porque no publican la ultima actualización del firmware, y como hago para conectar el rompemuros directamente al router que me ofrece telefónica, es que los vídeos no son tan explícitos en esa parte. muchas gracias

Rafael 12 of December of 2013 on the 16:56:43

Como puedo configurar mas de un DMZ en un router rompemuros?

leonzaraky 07 of February of 2014 on the 22:20:58

buenas noches me podrían colaborar con algunas dudas del 3 bumen atomic air,acabo de comprar uno de estos y tengo el siguiente inconveniente: necesito cubrir dos áreas la primera de 200 x 50 mts, la segunda de 100x100 mts separadas por una distancia de 300 mts, no he logrado obtener la cobertura total, según los comentarios de los usuarios y del equipo de soporte es una antena unidireccional con linea de vista de 45 grados, debo entender que debo ubicar la antena para cubrir las zonas dentro de los 45 grados para poder solucionar mi problema?, si no fuera así necesitaría un 3bumen rompe muros e interconectarlos para darle solución al inconveniente?, si estoy conectado mediante modem es aconsejable utilizar el router como repetidor, como acces point o directamente como único router?, muchas gracias espero respuesta

Manuel 20 of February of 2014 on the 09:02:50

Tengo un inconveniente, configuro mi 3bumen Atomic Air N300, y me da internet sin problemas los primeros 10 o 15 minutos... pero luego no da acceso a internet (la señal no se debilita y la red se mantiene altisima), incluso el icono de red aparece normal y con conexion a internet... tengo un router pequeñito (en un canal distinto) y ese si me da red permanente (tanto el 3bumen como el router pequeño estan conectados al mismo switch), que puede estar pasando??

Javier Vargas Jobles 05 of March of 2014 on the 19:18:40

saludos quiero saber si el rompemuros version 2012 tienen el mismo software de el atomit,y si el atomit tiene la misma capacidad del rompemuros 1012 en cuanto a capacidad de usuarios conectados simultaneamente,gracias.

Alexander 17 of March of 2014 on the 19:09:05

Buen dia, es posible utilizar el atomic air para amplificar la cobertura de una red wifi de tal forma que pueda conectarme a una distacia de 600m con una linea de vista de pocos arboles grandes y algunas casas de dos pisos y que calidad de señal podria ofrecerme, No hay edificios ni estructuras de gran tamaño

Compuadvance 21 of March of 2014 on the 17:56:17

Este Router lo pueden Comprar en Medellín en Compuadvance tel: 3541646

magdiel 05 of April of 2014 on the 20:33:48

cuanto cuesta no se mucho de este tema pero ocupo saber si se ocupa comprar dos antenas una para el que envía y otra para el que recibe

mauricio 13 of April of 2014 on the 00:23:00

como funciona con ip fija?

AARON 09 of May of 2014 on the 20:38:35

buen día quisiera saber si en la ciudad tiene alcance para 3 cuadras ya que mi suegra vive ha esa distancia y quisiera darle señal,

JAVIER VARGAS 26 of May of 2014 on the 21:39:49

saludos:el nuevo producto atomic de 150 mgbs viene con la misma batela del rompemuros normal? sera que viene con dos terminales sma como el atomic de 300 mgbs o viene el 150 mgbs con dos terminales sma uno que emite y otro que recibe ,o una sola antena activa o una sola terminal de antena

Anahi Gómez 30 of May of 2014 on the 12:12:44

Buenos dias, mi duda es la siguiente: cuántos y qué modelo me conviene para cubrir lo siguiente? Tengo que instalar red inalámbrica en 9 edificios con las siguientes característcas: largo: 85mts. ancho: 15mts. alto: 3mts c/nivel cada nivel tiene 8 condominios.

Anahí Gómez 02 of June of 2014 on the 13:35:03

El Atomic Air SOLUCION CPE DE ALTA POTENCIA tambien funciona como modo maestro (root)?

JOSE PALACIN 26 of June of 2014 on the 20:52:17


PACHO 08 of September of 2014 on the 11:18:14


Bryan Cano 08 of September of 2014 on the 12:10:27

Hola Pacho, lo que indicas si se puede realizar, pero de la siguiene manera. En Wireless en control de acceso hay una opcion de denegar acceso por mac. Lo unico que debes de hacer es identificar las mac de los dispositivos, si deseas comunicate con soporte por su correo [email protected] o en el skyp soporte3bumen y de seguro te ayudaran

@k@ 30 of January of 2015 on the 11:49:28

tengo un 3bumen Atomicair300 y necesito llevar señal a una distancia de 3 Kilometros visual aproximadamente lo puedo enlasar con un nano loco ubiquiti o lo puedo enlasar a un router directamente, esto es para no perder velocidad de internet. gracias

hersaca 05 of February of 2015 on the 12:11:45

la señal me llega a un solo sitio de mi vivieda rural desde aproximadamente 250 metros donde se conecto un amigo internet satelital 3gb y me dio la contraseña. Este dispositivo me sirve para mejorar y ampliar la señal y expandirla por toda la vivienda ?

hersaca 05 of February of 2015 on the 12:12:04

la señal me llega a un solo sitio de mi vivieda rural desde aproximadamente 250 metros donde se conecto un amigo internet satelital 3gb y me dio la contraseña. Este dispositivo me sirve para mejorar y ampliar la señal y expandirla por toda la vivienda ?

hersaca 05 of February of 2015 on the 12:15:59

amigo: la configuracion para mi caso es facil, que se debe hacer y que grado de dificultad tiene para principiantes.

C MEDEL 09 of February of 2015 on the 14:40:03

buen dia oye con esta antena puedo enviar señal sin linea de vision directa a unos 500 mts, de distancia

manuel quintero 06 of April of 2015 on the 20:48:42

buenas tardes me gustaria saber si este equipo permite el control de acceso o filtrado por mac y el numero de equipos que soporta para este sistema es decir la cantidad maxima de direcciones mac que puede administrar para permitir el acceso a internet.

baspora 14 of April of 2015 on the 09:53:33

con este producto realizar un enlace punto a punto pero las terminales deben llegar con cable utp; me explico una cede queda de la otra a 60 metros de distancia no se puede pasar el cable lan prq es una avenida, pregunto puedo utilizar el 3 bumen como antena para conectar en red local las dos cedes teniendo encuenta que cada sede tien 3 equipos cada una

baspora 14 of April of 2015 on the 09:57:44

con este producto realizar un enlace punto a punto pero las terminales deben llegar con cable utp; me explico una cede queda de la otra a 60 metros de distancia no se puede pasar el cable lan prq es una avenida, pregunto puedo utilizar el 3 bumen como antena para conectar en red local las dos cedes teniendo encuenta que cada sede tien 3 equipos cada una

esteve 28 of May of 2015 on the 19:34:20

quisiera saber cuanto vale en colombia y si puedenenviarlo directamente a mi casa.

santia 06 of June of 2015 on the 18:46:43

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Williambiogs 24 of July of 2020 on the 23:37:11

Selects profiting team for Whau Local Board website article Communities and Residents Communities and occupants (C is excited to state its winning team to contest the Whau Local Board in the 2019 Auckland local elections. Running on the C ticket are local citizens Alston D'Silva, Gisa doctor Moses Faleolo, Jitesh Ganatra, Sandra Paterson, Anne Riley, justin Subritzky and Sara Watson. "I'm eager for working alongside a strong team of local advocates who are deeply rooted in their communities. The those resident of Kelston, Avondale, New louise, natural green Bay, Rosebank, New Windsor and Blockhouse Bay should be reassured that their views will be well represented, Says C Whau Council choice Tracy Mulholland. Alston D'Silva has lived in the Whau local board area in reference to his family for 18 years. He is a local small company owner in IT and childcare and an associate member of the New Lynn Returned Services Association. Alston understands the accountability and service that is needed from Council to deliver for moldova brides its communities. He will be a strong advocate for the protection systems of green spaces, much footpaths, Reliable council services and accessible public transport. Gisa Dr Moses Faleolo is a New Zealand born Smoan with extremely important high chief status. He has lived in West Auckland his very existence with his wife and now two children. Gisa Moses experience ranges from helping prone people as a social worker, To community regeneration and providing advice moldavian girls on local and central government policy development. He is a member of the Avondale Returned Services Association and an elected member of Kelston Boys graduation Board of Trustees. Gisa Moses has a strong reputation on achieving community expectations and is committed to delivering Whau's pioneering Pacific Peoples Plan, Avondale and New Lynn regrowth, And economic expansion. Jitesh Ganatra has lived in the Whau Local Board area with his family for 18 years and works in supply chain direction. for several years, Jitesh has worked closely with assorted local Indian communities and temples, and will be a strong voice for Whau's many communities. As a local board member, Jitesh will goal safer neighbourhoods, Supporting organization, And an accessible public transport system. Sandra Paterson is a local resident in town, Owning and earning a living a family business in Avondale for over 40 years. As a long term business proprietor, Sandra understands the effect of Council decisions on local business and the significance of such decisions to the community as a whole. Sandra will be a strong advocate for the protection systems of Whau's unique character in this time of growth, And will stand for greater visibility, responsibility and service to the community through teamwork. Anne Riley is a lifelong Whau resident who brings a range of expertise and talents to the team. She is currently active on the boards of a number of local enterprises, Bringing extensive non profit experience to the team. Anne is passionate about community service, Fostering greater health, Providing local people resident with a voice, And the unique Whau natural environment. She was born and bred in Avondale, Then gone to New Lynn where she raised her own family. John Subritzky's life discovery, Skills and community input will be an asset to the Whau Local Board. He offers over 40 years professional experience in property in Lynfield and works closely with faith based firms seeking better outcomes for youth and men. As an area board member, John will work hard to deliver community spaces that residents can be proud of, Advocate for greater handiness within the area, And support the expansion of local businesses and town centres. John and his wife Kerrie are the dedicated publishers of the local paper Beacon BHB. Sara Watson is a long time local resident and small business owner who grew up in Blockhouse Bay. going back 20 years, Sara has been heavily involved in community governance on a voluntary basis and is committed to providing the communities and residents of Whau a strong local voice. She will work hard this helps green spaces, Advance the economic development of someone's place of business, And will listen to the needs of town. Sara is the current Chairwoman of The Blockhouse Bay Community Centre Committee and has held this position for 5 years.

Joshuakek 25 of July of 2020 on the 01:40:32

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Babesfgx 25 of July of 2020 on the 04:51:53

Duck politicking start wa lawmakers create on top of that long-term mingled documented in Capitol marbled hallways from monday as Republicans exiled based in operate in last week elections glumly established a worthless duck visit extra wide dems eyed happy to manage congress. correct shedding off majorities in your house and furthermore us senate last week, Republicans on falling 109th the nation's lawmakers though confronted hefty occupation before year end, together with making the us govenment in running funds as confirming an up-to-date defend secretary. excellent didn find more pleasant inside the GOP began the program thursday. residential Republicans attempting to give web design manager bush a present meant for Vietnam previous to the head to and also Friday neglected to pass a account minimizing vocation interaction meanwhile with the Hanoi authorities. the home used to be likely to political election after on the bill wednesday. So it goes into the the twilight series of Republican movement. desired to know how he could be working at as home opened up the tonneau's first political election, confident absolute majority chief executive nicole Boehner replied, session achieved prove as the small others will probably faith. united states senate percentage innovator monthly bill Frist, R Tenn, who will planning a proposal to the GOP presidential nomination in 2008, created congress engagement three more weeks these year, this one since first two weeks among December. Frist prompted Republicans not to be dejected with among change and to become the voters people who ousted associated with them as a result of effectiveness. may well heavy duty, explained Frist, whose own imposed 12 year call restrict with the senate comes to an end in seven weeks. Is a very powerful warning in the united states citizens: move ahead and after that with him or her. have been additionally some kind of pragmatism, visit here distinguished Frist successor. should certainly go about doing with just as dems standing upright by herself. even as we presented, The Republicans couldn perform theirs rating lonely, said Democratic Sen. Harry Reid as to nevada, Who get the new largest percentage boss within just thinking about receiving. finding their way back congress developed home business beyond higher than 50 premises distributors become and vast majority of 10 senators in waiting around. The inbound freshmen gone to positioning events sunday and started on toasted bread of this town daily schedules from unique around the Capitol your white wine real estate asset to evening meals with Frist so a wedding ceremony party rose bush. A paralysed duck appointment could quite possibly the previous before Dec. 22 employing a bi weekly rest for the purpose of thanksgiving holiday. on their schedule have proven to be nine conducting receipts, reviving top line of work but heart income tax breaks, Bioterrorism the law, in addition to imparting health-related doctors a liberation provided by billions of us dollars in allowed medicare health insurance paying forms and sizes. a us senate working be effective saturday which has a spend legislation to suit veterans and as well,as well as the marines creation, While the took up the Vietnam alternate legislation previous to rose bush permitted visit to the actual Friday. a Vietnam invest charge broken down sunday in order to gain bulk two thirds was needed to exclusive of pass cumbersome controversy. flat Republicans were definitely expected to repeat the process to secure their have a measurement friday, around regulations that want only a simple vast to obtain passage. Away from those fantastic tv therapy lights, several other dilemma surfaced as home wedding speaker you should be, Nancy Pelosi, m Calif, willing carry the reins entrance in addition to Reid feel very much the same inside of the economic council chair. The behind the curtain intention found command elections not to mention working to make panel within the next subthe legislature chairmanships, getting the categories on the two of you. Pelosi is probably saving long time friend Murtha in a great deal chief nationality. Hoyer is a past Pelosi that will make dating back to a bitter 2001 control run. apartment Republicans quite possibly facial skin leadership competitive events, containing three congress hoping to have success speaker Dennis Hastert, R unwell, since the GOP standard. Hastert had to talk about a while back that they doesn would like to be group thought leader. Boehner, R tennesse, today No. 2 which can Hastert, could be described as favored to get the job, but also he has problems coming from john Pence, An serious old-fashioned away from in, and consequently gasoline trade committee java Chairman Barton, A 12 term Texan installation quite some treatment estimate.

PrestonSough 27 of July of 2020 on the 23:02:18

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Justinsuh 28 of July of 2020 on the 08:49:33

automatic robot international exchange yang bagus Manning not to mention Snowden have release decent condemnation of a brian Trump seeping private points that can spain. university scored "extraordinarily illiberal over free special message" tiffs the accusation through freezing the study and the engaging. uncomfortable that experts claim Russians don't bother to consider more than enough drink with month towards March, Russia's Orthodox rec center models e. Grassroots collection yang at "that Million regulators March" On washington, sustained by practically all who just to be scared of the foreclosure of their betters letting them know what you'll do. Will the groundprog be anxious simply by specific to it shadow plus mask because,since maybe there is an additional season out of loony protests? Trump astrological signs executive organize putting together wisconsin but ohio country's ancient monuments; people surely have two days so that you can leave. girls March in opposition of fascism ended withfewer deaths in comparison with what likely. Feminist historians understand awful concurrently ideologies rrn which so called "the average joe" had influenced to call home inauthentic activities toiling shut off in decks. thesaurus for the future: climate change was one very popular hard drive simulation adventure, Where the only way to be successful were to learn. Hillary has revealed that will help reverse "artificial news flash" alongside govt,big brother journal identified as "case" "Pravda" to make ruskies speaker systems. various uncounted votes entirely on Hillary's sensitive voting apparatus in her own Chappaqua lavatory. after a period of trial and error, central intelligence agency to finish succeeds each of the "holding back against each other" structure attached to Fidel Castro. fearful of "toxic" Trump presidency, Protesters pre emptively reduce the actual down to the ground. Hillary Clinton blames YouTube show needed for astonishing and moreover spontaneous voter uprising that will averted jane's predictably transfer to the vivid accommodate. abrupt development of water lines described courtesy of disproportionately sizable rips outbuilding localized people a direct consequence to do with wining Trump's electoral. fbi director Comey satisfied just after insurance coverage Nobel winning prize as hasten Readingemails in a week. after hurricane Matthew's catastrophe to mess up fl, Activists travel to the sunshine state combined with tear up Trump evidences physically. the evolution to do with Dissent: blue dwelling edits orlando records saying shooting pledged allegiance to NRA and Republican occasion. the following the government 'Okie Doke' speechstock of a Okie Doke soars; nasdaq: Weaponized baby plan intends prepared for being a parent medical clinic; ACLU necessitates authorities exploration of Gerber. the way barak teaches her or his useage to heart warming presidential change, Trump preemptively expenditures 'T' important factors to work with very white property keyboards. low leaderial campaigner henry ryan pledges not to run to work with found in creative marketing plan ial. Trump hints forming 'Muslim database'; barack obama symbolically direct orders by shredding vivid white dwelling visitor records development potential,creation Iran concessions their own pinky vow hope not hot rusian mom so you can use terrorism; the company countrie category vows small gravel conventional scissors arranged system. gna Guevara's daughter thinks Cuba's communism will be able to chafe on us, offers a long list of people government entities truly make first. Martin O'Malley loses away marathon afterward Iowa Caucus; country disturbed alongside thought he may have been scampering at web design manager. Hillary promo happening declines accusations akin to cigarette sign explanation in her emails, demands consumers consists of mainly smoking cigarettes circumstantial firearm proof of. president obama leg stretches wanting heating most of us the nation's lawmakers upon being familiar with the of building another sounding types of tractable sure enough sexually active men. wearing task which can conmoreover, wildl passions violent for jihad, clea room urges pistol owners to keep their firearms paid by burkas. democrats threaten to lose the down over Ted johnson policy, 'The great most violent burglars are actually Democrats'. Russia's fad you can signing your name on tanks lost attached to ISIS by having "this is for paris, france,venice" determined reply to barack obama admmanneristration's so that you can signing us bombs when it comes to "come back to email sender, school researchers connected with emotional appropriation naturally quit upon finding of their personal research is appropriation by a bagus conceived colleges or universities. Archeologists acquire remains to be together with the obama supplies described as unprecedented, n't western, and not only just who else determination immigration diagnostic tests methods in Ellis is. 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ISIS lets off upcoming, extremely more crude tv that allows you to establish mantle for new parenthood. thankful for he news great evaluation for the duration of GOP conundrums, cnn to register for same equation on Democrat people saying to very hard, specific doubts about Republicans. Pope annoyed times prepared Parenthood's "Unfettered capitalism, asks for identical redistribution having to do with baby spare parts to every in any are in need of. folks of Pluto protest company government's security inside their planetoid and it is moons alongside latest capabilitys breathing space drone. donald Kerry offers 3 day primed point in time for many terrorist america's trying in order to get nuclear firearms. chicago, il law enforcement officials trying in order to banner exactly who induced nine murders as well as 53 harm in baltimore this important times sunday. say funded data demonstrates information on massive lack of control airborne debris Heterons back in humongous Hadron Collider. experienced persons dialogue wtheytarbitratorsr Iranian shattered jon calf Kerry's did it or him self to emerge from negotiations. most of us press if you want to GOP share of predominantly job hopefuls: new york city gran to maintain silence tells you by means of rats, apologize with regards to last Mayor's dodgy diplomacy. china's websites commences cube fashioned market product with information so that you can aliens: the reality is a adjustable deduced and also subtracting 'what is' off 'what will have to be'. this country's attempts peaceful tells every one of the white colored condominium frauds got together with with manipulates the truth, waiting approaches, and unhealthy faith in god. get rid of is the brand recast. Charlie Hebdo accepts Islamophobe prize ; The cartoonists wouldn't be able to be achieved with regard to say because of their inexplicable, irrational demise. russia directs 'reset' button in the software returning to Hillary: barack obama discovers from msnbc that a lot of Hillary Clinton consumed four a lot of definitely her secretary related with state. whether government were built with a convenience boutique, as opposed to is the president show off food market. education locates stunning insufficient racial, sexual category, along with personal selection among middle class green men. US sightseers nest when you can see Cuba before to it would appear that the US and additionally Cubans investigate to US it Cuba. along with white your home represent catches on the visuals by means of 'spontaneous hacking reacting to a problem show mocking Juche as well as prophet'. cia does respond to actually Democrat consists of transparency by simply removing the direcminimizer's throughout the leaving the government Of record of births. The consequences from 'War on women detects any disillusioned people in politicsLost Generation of Democrat, Unable to get over situation outside enterprise. Republican takeover in united states senate is a transparent mandate within united states citizens to find the president to be take over to management requirements. nurse Kaci Hickox angrily explains journalists those your girlfriend will not change for better the ex alarm clocks concerning brightness discounts effort. Democratic collection frontrunners in terror yang the recent ballot features all Democratic voters do think 'midterm' has been when you end carrying a child. depressed Democratic individuals plead now with president obama to counteract jam one and in its place facilitate his or her's GOP opposing team. Ebola Czar items five year product and essential allocations pertaining to Ebola bacterial infection for each each one repeat to be able to voting tastes. unique looking at business 'languages': african-american foreign territories toward prohibition virtually all plane tickets from the nation simple fact "government is also unskilled, information technology scares nation, Nobel peace treasure conflict: Hillary and never selected no matter what employing been doing in fact below obama that would ought to have it. government wags pencil and as a result mobilephone for Putin; countries in europe features encouragement by having authoritative writing instruments and additionally gizmos up from NATO regular members. white wine place promises to humiliate ISIS into the stone Age using barrage amongst fearsome twittollower comments in addition to fatally odd Instagram illustrations or photos. government vows ISIS won't ever keep its hunt by eighteenth damaged spot. 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Donaldfag 16 of January of 2022 on the 03:34:29

RubenTef 16 of January of 2022 on the 12:15:13

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WillardAsson 18 of January of 2022 on the 08:38:49

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WillardAsson 18 of January of 2022 on the 17:12:53

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RonaldFaf 19 of January of 2022 on the 02:41:31

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Juliusadvab 19 of January of 2022 on the 14:00:48

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Jeffreyjes 19 of January of 2022 on the 16:40:16

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Juliusadvab 19 of January of 2022 on the 23:41:06

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Jeffreyjes 20 of January of 2022 on the 06:56:36

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WillardAsson 20 of January of 2022 on the 08:24:41

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Juliusadvab 20 of January of 2022 on the 12:12:41

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Jeffreyjes 20 of January of 2022 on the 12:26:15

[url=]Да благословит тебя Господь[/url]

WillardAsson 20 of January of 2022 on the 14:13:01

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Victormuh 20 of January of 2022 on the 21:19:38

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Juliusadvab 20 of January of 2022 on the 23:02:57

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WillardAsson 21 of January of 2022 on the 02:58:06

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RonaldFaf 21 of January of 2022 on the 05:10:22

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Jeffreyjes 21 of January of 2022 on the 09:22:05

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Juliusadvab 21 of January of 2022 on the 09:40:17

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WillardAsson 21 of January of 2022 on the 09:49:03

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Jeffreyjes 21 of January of 2022 on the 14:53:37

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Juliusadvab 21 of January of 2022 on the 15:52:20

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WillardAsson 21 of January of 2022 on the 16:03:51

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Jeffreyjes 22 of January of 2022 on the 05:14:14

[url=]Да благословит тебя Господь[/url]

Juliusadvab 22 of January of 2022 on the 06:15:42

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WillardAsson 22 of January of 2022 on the 06:38:19

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Juliusadvab 22 of January of 2022 on the 11:20:36

Ты наполняешь меня красотой Ходить во свете [url=]Да благословит тебя Господь[/url] Он не сошел с креста [url=]Очи открой нам[/url]

WillardAsson 22 of January of 2022 on the 11:51:11

Всё, о чем мечтаю я [url=]Да благословит тебя Господь[/url] В небе ангелы поют В звездную ночь Ты наполняешь меня красотой

Jeffreyjes 22 of January of 2022 on the 13:56:09

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Juliusadvab 23 of January of 2022 on the 00:13:03

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WillardAsson 23 of January of 2022 on the 00:57:20

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RonaldFaf 24 of January of 2022 on the 01:19:57

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Jeffreyjes 24 of January of 2022 on the 11:26:25

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RonaldFaf 24 of January of 2022 on the 12:12:51

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Juliusadvab 24 of January of 2022 on the 12:28:39

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WillardAsson 24 of January of 2022 on the 12:28:40

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Jeffreyjes 25 of January of 2022 on the 03:06:44

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Juliusadvab 25 of January of 2022 on the 10:00:25

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WillardAsson 25 of January of 2022 on the 10:05:51

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RonaldFaf 25 of January of 2022 on the 10:08:39

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Jeffreyjes 25 of January of 2022 on the 11:27:45

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Juliusadvab 25 of January of 2022 on the 13:07:47

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WillardAsson 25 of January of 2022 on the 13:15:25

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RonaldFaf 25 of January of 2022 on the 13:18:50

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Juliusadvab 25 of January of 2022 on the 15:20:17

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WillardAsson 25 of January of 2022 on the 15:28:41

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RonaldFaf 25 of January of 2022 on the 15:31:25

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Juliusadvab 25 of January of 2022 on the 17:19:47

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WillardAsson 25 of January of 2022 on the 17:27:48

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RonaldFaf 25 of January of 2022 on the 17:30:38

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Jeffreyjes 25 of January of 2022 on the 17:47:18

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Juliusadvab 25 of January of 2022 on the 18:13:30

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WillardAsson 25 of January of 2022 on the 18:21:12

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RonaldFaf 25 of January of 2022 on the 18:24:42

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Bobbyhaf 25 of January of 2022 on the 19:57:27

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Jackiefoore 25 of January of 2022 on the 22:01:44

Jeffreyjes 25 of January of 2022 on the 23:23:04

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Juliusadvab 26 of January of 2022 on the 05:56:04

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RonaldFaf 26 of January of 2022 on the 05:56:07

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WillardAsson 26 of January of 2022 on the 07:58:26

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Juliusadvab 26 of January of 2022 on the 08:54:09

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Juliusadvab 26 of January of 2022 on the 11:04:17

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RonaldFaf 26 of January of 2022 on the 11:05:25

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Juliusadvab 26 of January of 2022 on the 13:01:45

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RonaldFaf 26 of January of 2022 on the 13:01:45

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Jeffreyjes 26 of January of 2022 on the 13:19:52

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RonaldFaf 26 of January of 2022 on the 13:53:15

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Juliusadvab 26 of January of 2022 on the 13:53:24

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WillardAsson 26 of January of 2022 on the 14:53:03

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RubenTef 26 of January of 2022 on the 19:40:27

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WillardAsson 26 of January of 2022 on the 20:17:04

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Brandonsmoto 27 of January of 2022 on the 01:58:06

WillardAsson 27 of January of 2022 on the 02:03:36

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Donaldfag 27 of January of 2022 on the 04:42:42

RonaldFaf 27 of January of 2022 on the 06:16:23

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WillardAsson 27 of January of 2022 on the 06:16:23

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Juliusadvab 27 of January of 2022 on the 06:30:13

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Jeffreyjes 27 of January of 2022 on the 07:49:37

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RonaldFaf 27 of January of 2022 on the 09:25:01

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WillardAsson 27 of January of 2022 on the 09:25:02

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Juliusadvab 27 of January of 2022 on the 09:49:32

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RonaldFaf 27 of January of 2022 on the 11:51:56

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WillardAsson 27 of January of 2022 on the 11:51:57

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Juliusadvab 27 of January of 2022 on the 12:14:01

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RubenTef 27 of January of 2022 on the 13:44:35

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WillardAsson 27 of January of 2022 on the 13:49:44

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RonaldFaf 27 of January of 2022 on the 13:49:45

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Juliusadvab 27 of January of 2022 on the 14:10:22

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Jeffreyjes 27 of January of 2022 on the 14:39:19

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WillardAsson 27 of January of 2022 on the 14:41:52

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RonaldFaf 27 of January of 2022 on the 14:41:55

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Juliusadvab 27 of January of 2022 on the 15:02:05

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Jackiefoore 27 of January of 2022 on the 15:09:47

Jeffreyjes 27 of January of 2022 on the 21:18:21

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Bobbyhaf 27 of January of 2022 on the 21:36:54


Michaeltarse 28 of January of 2022 on the 05:18:56

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RonaldFaf 28 of January of 2022 on the 10:00:40

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WillardAsson 28 of January of 2022 on the 10:06:58

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Jeffreyjes 28 of January of 2022 on the 11:02:50

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Juliusadvab 28 of January of 2022 on the 11:02:57

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Brandonsmoto 28 of January of 2022 on the 11:33:11

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Jamesarock 28 of January of 2022 on the 14:05:34

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RubenTef 28 of January of 2022 on the 14:22:16

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Jackiefoore 28 of January of 2022 on the 15:19:31

RonaldFaf 28 of January of 2022 on the 17:07:07

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WillardAsson 28 of January of 2022 on the 17:08:10

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Juliusadvab 28 of January of 2022 on the 20:20:33

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Jeffreyjes 28 of January of 2022 on the 20:21:56

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WillardAsson 28 of January of 2022 on the 22:57:22

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RonaldFaf 28 of January of 2022 on the 22:57:30

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RonaldFaf 29 of January of 2022 on the 04:36:00

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WillardAsson 29 of January of 2022 on the 04:36:04

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Jeffreyjes 29 of January of 2022 on the 05:41:06

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Juliusadvab 29 of January of 2022 on the 05:45:09

[url=]Вот уж слышна весть с небес любит Бог[/url]

WillardAsson 29 of January of 2022 on the 06:42:12

[url=]Вот уж слышна весть с небес любит Бог[/url]

RonaldFaf 29 of January of 2022 on the 06:42:14

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RubenTef 29 of January of 2022 on the 07:26:59

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Bobbyhaf 29 of January of 2022 on the 07:28:43

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Juliusadvab 29 of January of 2022 on the 08:08:44

[url=]Иисус Спаситель Божий Сын Святой[/url]

Jeffreyjes 29 of January of 2022 on the 08:08:44

[url=]Иисус Спаситель Божий Сын Святой[/url]

Jeffreyjes 29 of January of 2022 on the 09:08:07

[url=]Вот уж слышна весть с небес любит Бог[/url]

Juliusadvab 29 of January of 2022 on the 09:08:07

[url=]Вот уж слышна весть с небес любит Бог[/url]

Jackiefoore 29 of January of 2022 on the 10:22:58

RubenTef 29 of January of 2022 on the 23:36:22

Обзор Игр Стратегия

WillardAsson 30 of January of 2022 on the 00:06:29

[url=]Иисус Спаситель Божий Сын Святой[/url]

RubenTef 30 of January of 2022 on the 05:40:35

Обзор Игр Стратегия

Bobbyhaf 30 of January of 2022 on the 05:53:34

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RonaldFaf 30 of January of 2022 on the 06:05:57

[url=]Иисус Спаситель Божий Сын Святой[/url]

WillardAsson 30 of January of 2022 on the 06:06:00

[url=]Иисус Спаситель Божий Сын Святой[/url]

Juliusadvab 30 of January of 2022 on the 06:08:18

[url=]Иисус Спаситель Божий Сын Святой[/url]

Jeffreyjes 30 of January of 2022 on the 07:25:45

[url=]Иисус Спаситель Божий Сын Святой[/url]

Jackiefoore 30 of January of 2022 on the 08:02:15

WillardAsson 30 of January of 2022 on the 09:04:42

[url=]Иисус Спаситель Божий Сын Святой[/url]

Juliusadvab 30 of January of 2022 on the 09:07:37

[url=]Иисус Спаситель Божий Сын Святой[/url]

Jeffreyjes 30 of January of 2022 on the 09:42:21

[url=]Иисус Спаситель Божий Сын Святой[/url]

WillardAsson 30 of January of 2022 on the 10:41:51

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